Saturday, April 28

Blog House Cleaning! And I could really use your help. :-)

We moved a few months ago and our "game room" and garage are still filled with boxes of junk.  And the boys don't help when they pull out every toy they own and create these monster "cities" in the middle of the room.  I can't wait to get everything organized, I just need more time...  Or a vacation to escape from the mess.  ;-)

As you know, blogs - like houses - need constant attention. I have a zillion posts and free downloads, so needless to say it is almost impossible for me to keep up with broken links on all of my old posts. So I would love to have your help if possible!

If you find any broken links to images, tutorials, downloads, etc. on any of my posts, could you please let me know in the comment section of that post? That way I can fix them. I know some of my download links don't work, but most posts should have two choices, so if one does not work please let me know which one and I will remove it and add a new second one.

This is going to take some time, so thank you so much for your patience.  I am a one-woman show here on CoffeeShop and I really appreciate your help so much.  And I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!!!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. I am new to PSE & your blog. My cousin introduced your site to me and I.LOVE.IT!
    I haven't found any issues with any of my downloads yet, but will let you know if I do.
    Keep up the good work & thank you so much for sharing your talents with those of us who are still searching for ours! LOL!

  2. I completely love your site, I've never commented before but have learned so much from it!
    With 4 of my own I TOTALLY get the every-toy-available-"monster" city!! (In fact I'm sitting in the middle of one right now...messy but it's so worth the peaceful hour or so it takes them to build it!)
    I recently had to re-download all of your actions and there wasn't one that I had any trouble with - all the links worked and I was able to reinstall them easily.
    I haven't yet purchased any texture or paper packs so I can't vouch for those. (They are next on my list as soon as I install the first round :)

  3. I would be happy to! Your blog has been my #1 source for all things PS for me and I'm so grateful to have found it! If I lived near you, I would even come help you organize your house...but then that would probably be really creepy. ;)

  4. Thank you so much everyone! And Jeanette, it wouldn't be creepy, I would have you over here in a heartbeat!!!

  5. Thanks for all of the great resources! Have you ever tried using something like Xenu link sleuth? It seems sort of archaic but it is really effect at finding broken links, both internally on your site and those that lead to external sources. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Thanks again!

  6. I love your site and have used a your actions because I really don't understand PS. I've decided to take a class so I actually know what I am doing...but I have a question. Should I (and have you) converted to the cloud based version? My PSE is sooooo old, that is makes sense to convert to the cloud, but do the actions work with that? I don't want to lose my ability to use the actions.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them them as soon as possible.