Wednesday, July 21

CoffeeShop Editing Tutorial: "How to Use CoffeeShop Textures in the Distressed FX Phone App !"

I am all about editing in Photoshop/Photoshop Elements (PSE) on a real computer. But I know many of you are young and/or have great eyesight and can edit on a itsy-bitsy phone. 

I use a few phone editing apps when necessity, and I had been seeing some really pretty textured images that were editing in the "Distressed FX" app. I was curious and always need something to play with on my phone when I am bored waiting somewhere, so I splurged and purchased the "Distressed FX Plus" version (this is not a sponsored ad or paid post).

Distressed FX is fun, but I found the textures were limited. Plus gives you more, but I wanted to use my own textures. And after searching I found a Distressed FX tutorial video that showed me how to add any texture I wanted! I was so excited since I am a texture addict and have hundreds of free ones right here on my site.

So today I wanted to post a little tutorial showing you how any of my textures in Distressed FX. 

Imagine the possibilities! Turn your own images into art, or grab one from a public domain site like Unsplash and create greeting cards, wall art, stickers, etc. from your phone! Waiting to pick up your kids, make some art. Sitting out at the pool, create a beautiful card. 

Honestly, I don't even save all of them, I just find it relaxing to create.

In today's photo-editing tutorial I will show you:

1. How to add CoffeeShop Textures to your phone.
2. Find beautiful free public domain images.
3. Add any texture you find online to the Distressed FX app.
4. How to adjust texture opacities and fine-tune the image's contrast, color, sharpness, etc.
5. Erase texture off of any part of your image.
6. Add several textures to one image.

To follow along with this iPhone tutorial (should be similar on any phone), download the Distressed Thayer and Schuyler Vintage Letter textures and the yellow flower image. You will need the Distressed FX app on your phone. I don't think you need to buy the Plus one, the cheaper version should be fine.

CoffeeShop "Using CoffeeShop Textures in the Distressed FX App" Editing Tutorial:

1.  Email a few textures to yourself if you have them on saved on your computer.

2. Click on the save icon.

3. Save the image to your Images app.

4. Select the texture(s) and add them to an Album.

 5. I have one named "CoffeeShop Textures". It is a good idea to save all textures in one place or you will drive yourself crazy looking for them.

6. Make sure the textures are there.

7. Click "Download" on the Unsplash image you want to edit.

8. Click "View."

9. Click on the Share Button.

10. Click "Save Image."

11. Open up the Distressed FX app.

12. Click on the camera on the upper left and then click "Choose Picture".

13. Resize your photo to taste and then click the checkmark.

14. On the bottom menubar you will see two sets of textures. The top ones are called color overlays and the bottom ones are the textures.

15. Scroll to the end of the texture set and click on "Custom".

16. Click to select the first CoffeeShop texture in the album where you saved it.

17. Select the blending mode. I used Hard Light.

18. Add any color overlay (the top layer of textures) to your image (1).  I used Catalina in Multiply. 

Then click on the adjustment menu button (2).

19. You can adjust the opacities of both textures using the sliders on the bottom. The upper one is for the upper color overlay texture, the bottom one is for the CoffeeShop texture.

You can also play with all of the other adjustments around the images (contrast, saturation, sharpening, etc). 

20. Now for a little trick! If you flatten the image it allows you to add more custom (or included) textures. 

Click and hold your finger on the image and you should get the prompt that will allow you to flatten the image. Click "Flatten".

21. Add the CoffeeShop Vintage Letter texture using the same steps seen above.

22. I used Soft Light blending mode.

23. Click the Erasure button. This will allow you to remove the texture off the flowers.

24. Use your finger and drag over any area where you want to remove the texture. I removed it off of the flowers. Click the checkmark to accept the changes.

25.  Go back to the adjustment menu button and adjust the opacity of the vintage letter layer to taste.

26. Here is my finished piece. Lovely, right?

27. Go to the top menubar and click the button to save the finished image.

This app will no no way replace a computer edit, but it is a fun and easy way to create pretty custom textured images that you can share on social media or print. And now that you know you can use any texture you want, and even add several textures at a time, this little app becomes even more powerful.

I would love to see your work using this app and my textures on my Facebook page!

Do you want to download thousands of professional CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop actions (including exclusive ones not found anywhere for free), textures/overlays, scrapbooking papers, clip art/design elements, photo storyboards and frames, and Lightroom presets from this site in one convenient zipped file AND help support this one-woman blog?

Just click here for my CoffeeShop Mega Download Pack!

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