Friday, May 28

CoffeeShop Action Revisited - "Vintage Blush"!

I have hundreds of free actions on this site that I created over the last 13 years. There are just so many and often I get stuck using the newest ones I create for a specific project. However, the last weeks I have been going back and playing with some of my older ones and I rediscovered so many that I love using!

So I have decided that every week I would highlight one of my older actions in case you missed it back in the day. If you have my action download pack you should already have these on your computer, but you might discover ones that you had never clicked on or forgotten were there!

Today's old action highlight is "Vintage Blush". I posted this one back in 2009 if you can believe it. I had a two- and four-year-old and we lived on a farm with chickens and some cows. Those were such busy days, but filled with so much joy and adventure. We didn't get out much but had so many things to do there that we didn't miss it. 

We had no money. My husband had recently started his own optometry practice was working 6-7 days a week and couldn't pay himself a salary, so we were living off my earnings from my blog, website design, and work editing wedding photos for a local photographer. I was so thankful to have a job where I could work at home and take care of my children and didn't have to commute to Houston and work in a science lab. 

Most of my work was done after they went to bed, so many nights I was tapping away on my computer at 11 or 12. Honestly my memories of my life during those years is a bit hazy but thankfully I have photos! And like everyone says, you look back at those crazy exhausting broke times and remember all the blissful parts. 

When I look back at those early photos of my boys it is so bittersweet. Now I understand why older people would approach us when we were exhausted and out and about with two toddlers and they would say "What beautiful children, these will be some of the best years of your life and they go by in a blink of the eye." They were so right. 

Anyway, last month I took this lovely flower weed photo while walking with my TEENAGE BOYS and was going down my actions, trying to find one that I could use before adding my Distressed Gyojitsu texture on top, and I rediscovered "Vintage Blush"

This is one of those actions that can look absolutely horrible on the wrong image, but is heavenly applied to the right one. There is no half-way with this action!

I wanted to show you how I used it today.

Here is the original image. Luke and Isaac never understand why I have to photograph weeds on our walks, but I just love them.

I ran "Vintage Blush" and this is the image after the action finishes. 

I dialed down the Pink Haze layer from 50% to 30% and I love it!

I added the texture on top, under the Color Mute layer.

I put the texture in Soft Light blending mode at 100%. Now I have a soft beautiful vintage effect. I love combining actions and textures.

If you haven't used "Vintage Blush" or tried it on the wrong image and almost threw up, you might want to revisit it! I love using it on floral images that have a lot of green in the background.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for all the actions/presets and professional design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. I just found your site and it is absolutely amazing!!! Thank you so much for all the amazing actions and textures!!! I just absolutely love them so much!!! Thank you for you time in making the tutorials for each one!!! They are beautiful and so very helpful!!!I have learned so much using your tutorials!!!

    1. Mary, thank you so much for your amazing comment!!! I love posting here, it is such a joy for me to create and share. And I am so happy people come and visit! Rita


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