Tuesday, December 10

CoffeeShop "Light and Bright" Fine Art Photoshop/PSE Action!

Exactly two weeks until Christmas Eve, can you believe it? Where does the time go? I have done most of my shopping. It is much more difficult to buy gifts for 12- and 15-year-old boys than younger children.  Before I could just get Lego kits and stuffed animals and they were ecstatic. They still love Legos and build their own creations, but easy gifts like stuffed penguins won't cut it anymore.

I think I did pretty well, but I won't share until after Christmas. I stayed under my budget AND purchased gifts that they will continue to play with/use. I did threaten socks, but the Star Wars ones I wanted to purchase aren't available anymore! Yes, my family loves Star Wars (the original movies are favorites), so it is all about Star Wars this December. We have been watching all of the Star War movies once again, in order, to prepare for the new one. A few of them were very difficult to watch! I hope they don't mess up this new movie too much... 

Today I wanted to share a new Photoshop/PSE Action with you. This one is a very popular look and adds adjustable lightness/brightness and sharpens your images. I also added three optional layers to remove blue/yellow/red tints which is great for those yellow or blue inside shots. 

This action is beautiful on portraits, still life, and landscape images. A common problem is dark and dreary snow shots, and this action fixes that! If you want to sell your house, this action will make your interior shots beautiful and bright and remove strange color casts. This action would also be perfect for product photos for on-line stores like Etsy. 

You can download the free action toward the bottom of this post. I have posted a tutorial below. And if you have purchased my action or megapack within the last two years and want my newest updated one, email me! Address is on my order site. 

Images used in this post: (Purple Flowers, Cat, Woman, White Flowers, Bedroom, Kitchen).

Coffeeshop "Light and Bright" Photoshop/PSE Action Tutorial: 

This image is too dark and there is a blue tint. 

Run the CoffeeShop "Light and Bright" action.

This is the image after the action finishes running, no adjustments made.

I have two Bright layers, Bright and Bright Extreme. Try both and see which one looks better. 

In this example, Bright Extreme looks the best. You can also adjust the Light and Define layers and turn on Increase Shadows if you find your darks are not dark enough. Play with each layer's opacity and paint on the layer masks if necessary.

You can see the distracting blue tint.

Turn on Reduce Blues and adjust the opacity. 

I think this image looks great!

I hope you have fun playing with my newest action. 

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for all the actions/presets and professional design elements, storyboards, and textures. 

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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  1. Thank you Rita. I can’t wait to try this action!!


  2. Thank you so much Rita!
    Have a great Christmas in a galaxy far far away kind!

  3. Says can't find server when I go to download


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