Wednesday, August 8

CoffeeShop "Mood Vintage B&W" Fine Art Photoshop/PSE Action!

Today I have a brand new beautiful fine art B&W Photoshop/PSE action I call "Mood Vintage". This action looks stunning on just about anything and is completely adjustable. You can even add optional light!

This action is also part of my Vintage Editing Kit. You can find a beautiful vintage texture here and I will be posting a tutorial on my next post on how I put everything together.

If you want to grab this action and hundreds of other ones including several sets not found free anywhere else, Lightroom presets, and digital designs, please check out my convenient Download Packs. They support this blog so I can keep on posting freebies!!! I send free updates up to 2 years after your purchase, and I add new stuff every few weeks.

You can download the original images used in this post: (Dog, Woman, Flower).

CoffeeShop "Mood Vintage B&W" Photoshop/PSE Action Tutorial:

Run the "Mood Vintage B&W" action on your image. A Levels adjustment layer will pop up and it is preset for a moody matte B&W. In many cases it will be too dark, or you might want a brighter/higher contrast edit.

Simply adjust the sliders under the curve and the dark Output Levels until you love it. You can also adjust this later.

In this version I went for a very high contrast image.

In this version I increased the Output Levels to make a matte-contrast edit. I prefer this version for this image.

This is the image after the action finished running. Now I can go and adjust each layer to taste.

I turned down "Darken Highlights" to 50% to add some brightness to her face/skin.

I used a soft black brush on the "Paint in Light" layer's mask to add some light to her irises and whites. 

I was really happy with this edit at this point and didn't feel the need to do any more adjustments.

You can also use the "Paint in Light" to add window light to images. I will post the tutorial on how to do that in my next post. 

I would love to see your own edits using this acton over on my Facebook page!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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  1. I would like to thank you for creating and sharing these actions.

    1. You are so welcome! I love creating for my blog and I really appreciate you visiting it!!!


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