Thursday, February 3

Chicks and Need Help Naming My Newest Portrait Action!

We received our baby chicks this morning  and so far out of 28 only one is ill and probably won't live.  Of course, it is one of two silkies I bought for the boys... It is hanging on but I don't think it will make the night. I made some sugar water this morning (suggested by the chicken place) and have been dripping some in its little mouth throughout the day. 

It is sad, but I have had some of my own hatched chicks not make that first day or two... And these chicks were shipped in freezing cold weather.  I am amazed any of them made it.

I will post pics in a day or two of the remaining chicks. I can't tell you how exciting it is to pick up a small box full of peeping pooping fluffy chicks at the post office. I consider them my Valentine present from my husband. Who wants flowers, chocolates or jewelry when you can have baby chickens! I know, I am odd. ;-)  The boys are crazy about them and are working on making them tame.

I am almost finished with my newest portrait action. It is meant to be used on an image that is already color/contrast adjusted. It has my normal eye define and eye bright layers, but this time I figured out a way for it to soften skin automatically! Yes, no painting on layer masks in most cases.

This took forever for me to figure out, because I could do it using Color Range in Photoshop, but then found out PSE does not have this adjustment.  After hours I realized I could use Replace Color instead with a work-around. It was stressful but exciting figuring this out. I have this thing that everything I post must be able to work in both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. I will explain what I did when I post the action for those of you who are nerds like me and want to know what is going on behind the scenes.  I am really proud I figured this one out, without even googling.

This action will also brighten the skin automatically and add some contrast to everything else. Everything is adjustable of course. And like all actions, it won't work on all images, but the portraits I have against darker background have turned out great. I posted a before/after (taken in my barn "studio") below.  I overdid the after so you could see the effect more, but you will probably want to have a more subtle effect.

So I need help naming this one.  I already have PowderRoom
 and Perfect Portrait.  This one softens skin automatically, defines eyes, brightens skin and also adds a small contrast boost to non-skin areas.  If you have a minute I would love for you to post name suggestions in the comments.  Help me!

I am thinking of making two actions, one that has everything above and one version that just softens/brightens the skin.  You can use the brighten skin layer on any color skin by simply adjusting the blending mode. What do you think, should I make two actions?

If you haven't already, go like my Facebook page.  This is a great place to go ask questions, suggest actions/tutorials, post your before/afters, etc.  I would love to see you there.  :-)

And I also wanted to thank you for reading my blog, telling other people about it, and also giving such generous donations.  You are what makes it possible for me to have this creative outlet and also earn some money doing it.  My husband, my boys, and my sanity thank you.


  1. Maureen Ryan DelGaudioFebruary 3, 2011 at 4:59 PM

    I was just poking around online for something like this today!!! How about GLORY!

    Thanks for all the wonderful goodies you hook us up with!

  2. definitely do two separate actions....:)how about razzle- dazzle?

  3. Or maybe Skin Pop!?

    I must express my appreciation for all you do too!

  4. How about 'Creamy define'. Makes the skin look creamy clear and smooth, and defines the important details. :)

  5. How about Flawless Face? or Picture Perfect?

  6. Looks great :D I like "VoilĂ !" lol :) But if you are going for something along the lines of Portrait Action style names... maybe "Glow Perfect" :)

  7. Would Avon be offended if you used "Skin So Soft"?


  8. Hidden Beauty...thank you for all the hard work you do and share.

  9. Portrait Primer Deluxe (for all the actions in one)

    Java Brew/Bean
    ReTouch Espresso Maker
    Frothy Pop
    Caffeine Glow
    Caffe Macchiato
    Smooth Decaf

  10. How about rescue me?

  11. How about "Smooth & Bright Portrait" (or Soft & Bright). And please offer them seperately - I often find I need to do just a quick skin smoothing, but have to run an entire action just to do it. I love having the eye pop as a seperate action for those times I just need to do the eyes, it would be nice to have the same thing for the skin ;)

  12. Simply "Smooth & Bright Portrait" (or Soft & Bright). And please offer the skin smoothing seperately - I'm always needing that option but need to run an entire action ;)

  13. P.S. Sorry, I didn't think my comment went through so I think it got posted twice :-/

  14. "Pampered Portrait" cause it does it all for you :)

  15. Hmmm, that's a toughy. Here are my suggestions:

    White Lightning
    Cream Puff
    White Russian
    Snowball Pop
    Creamy Delight
    Farrah Flawless (Ha!)
    Bright Star

    Sorry, I'm not good at naming actions. :-)


  16. To actions would be great!

    I like Soft and Smooth Skin or Soft and Bright Skin. Or Smoothalicious. :)

  17. How about "Coffeeshop is so Awesome People Action"? (Just name it and get it out there FAST! :)) Can't wait to see pics of your chicks (hey, now THAT has a nice ring to it!). I have a friend who gets her chicks at the USPS, and I always find it so funny! :)

  18. Great suggestions! Esp. the one that I should name it fast and get it out there. ;-)

    I received my chicks from USPS too! I think the postal workers thought I was a bit batty. I asked to see them before I accepted the package and they asked me if I thought that was a good idea. I think they thought the chicks would jump out and run around.

  19. How about
    "Automatic Airbrush" ?

    Darling picture by the way! :)

  20. Sweet and Simple
    Sugar Smacks
    I don't know - but I absolutely love it!

  21. I love your site and as a mommy with a camera I appreciate all the help your site has given me to do portaits at home instead of paying out the nose for them. I know it sounds funny but how about "portrait lotion"

  22. How about
    Ray of Sunlight
    Ray of Starlight
    Peep the action (a nod to the chicks that peep)

    And THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT you provide - I LOVE Love love it !!!!!
    Carol in FL - where it has gotten cold again (50 F) I know -poor us!

  23. PowderSoft ?
    Or in honor of the new chicks - Chickadee?

    And thanks for all your hard work!

  24. Wow! I'm so excited to use this action! Thank you for everything you do!!! What about CRYSTAL CLEAR.

  25. How about Simply Perfect Portrait. Please do two seperate actions... Thanks so much for your actions and templates. They are great!

  26. HOw about (PM Perfect Portrait) that will show its more for a darker photo.and please offer the skin smoothing separately - I'm always needing that option but need to run an entire action

  27. This is a tremendously amazing site. I am literally astounded at all your hard work that you share for free. Simply amazing.

  28. How about "instant pick me up"

    Love and appreciate all that you do! Thanks!

  29. a whole lot chick...

    we would remember your chicks when we use it... just a thought..

    love reading the blog and so thankful for all that you have taught me!!

  30. my idea for a name is Portrait Pop... i love it! it looks amazing! :)

  31. my idea is Portrait Pop... it looks awesome! :)

  32. "Say Cheese!"

    because it references the fact that it is for a portrait and the creaminess it adds (cheese...dairy...cream)...

  33. love this. and all of your actions. they are perfect.

    how about

    smooth operator? :>

  34. -Soft powder-power.
    Thanks for your effort.

  35. Smoothie Pop
    or something with Smoothie in it

  36. I would LOVE to get chickens for Valentines Day!! You are so lucky. :)

  37. How about

  38. You are so awesome for sharing your goodies ALL the time.

    I like "Soft Butter"! The action is light, it's creamy, soft and sweet and they serve it in Coffee shops all the time! :)

  39. first, glad the chicks came in safely and fingers crossed they all make it.
    and THANK YOU SO MUCH for figuring out the PSE versions of your actions.. omgosh, can't thank you enough.
    and for the name.. how about perfection! cuzz really that's what it is!
    thanks a bunch for sharing your talent and stories with us.

  40. Perfect Face? or Flawless Faces?

    I must say thank you again for all your wonderful actions and for sharing with us!! You're amazing!

  41. 'Fresh Face'. Short & easy & it does 'freshen' the face up. As Mickey Mouse would say "Is everyone neat & pretty?" Hey- there's another one 'Neat & Pretty'.

  42. Can't wait for this action! How about "Hocus Focus".

  43. I'm pretty new to CSPS (have it for "free" because my Hubs uses CSAI for work) and I haven't even done anything I'd want to print out. Anyway, I find it extremely helpful if actions have a name that at least hint at what they do. Powder Room, I get - like you're going to the powder room to touch up - so I request keeping it short and simple. Soft and Bright sounds good to me.
    Thanks for helping a total digiflop!

  44. Considering your model, the first thing that came to my mind was "Impish"...LOL! Bright, sparkly and as fresh as a new penny...
    Hugs From Laurie AKA Idgie

  45. In talking about your chicks...I thought the following would be appropriate:


    :) Love your posts!

  46. Fresh Face. :-)

    I love your actions and I'm REALLY looking forward to this one coming out! You're the best, Rita!

  47. Subtle Pop or Subtle Touch Up

  48. I was thinking:

    Soft Shine or Shine Thru


  49. Can't wait to use this action but I am terrible at coming up with names. Love it and thanks for a great site!

  50. So excited to see/use this action! I really liked the idea of "Pampered Portrait" as previously mentioned or just adding to a name you already have like "The Luxury Powder Room"

  51. What about Milk and Honey? I dont know why but thats what I thought of when I saw this! :)
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your actions!!

  52. PLEASE name it and send it to us!!!! I need this one! Wonderful like your actions always are!

    Name is SNAP!

  53. I'm so excited Rita! How about "gleaming glow" or "creamilicious"?

  54. How about Creamy McDreamy? His skin looks so creamy and he is just adorable.

  55. How about "Brighten My Day" :)

  56. Missed this post on Thursday! Awesome results, Rita.

    Soft and Bright
    Powder Room Punch

  57. I have to agree with KBBabies above...

    "Creamy Define"

    Love your site. Thank you for all the actions and tutorials.

  58. How about BRIGHT FACES

  59. Powder Glow

    And just wanted to give you a great big THANK YOU for all your amazing!!!! actions! I think the 2 actions would be great--but whatever works best for you :)

  60. When are you going to release this? I can't wait!! thanks!

  61. So Fresh & Clean
    EZ Portrait
    Fresh Faces

  62. How about "Rise & Shine"?

  63. Fabulously Flawless
    Porcelain Doll
    Portrait Pizazz

  64. So I came across this post today & LOVE the action, I just need to know what you ended up naming it so I can download

  65. How about Soy Latte?? IT is a coffee shop after all.

  66. "Amazing Face" since it is meant to be used mostly for portraiture with eye and skin fixes.
    Janelle K


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