Saturday, November 7

Catching Dragonflies

Processed with Golden Vintage.

He convinces his little brother they are going to catch dragonflies with old torn fishing nets they found in the barn. They are going to catch them because they have never touched a live dragonfly. He tells me they will capture four and put them in glass jars. We will put them in our bedrooms so we can look at them and enjoy their beauty.

After some time he comes running up to me. Mom, he says with disappointment in his voice, I didn't know dragonflies were so fast.

Another bittersweet moment and I suddenly stop and really listen to my son.

I know all about fast, little one. Those dragonflies have nothing on the speed of the days and months and years that are slipping by. My little babies are suddenly little boys. Another day, another gray hair, another realization that these are the memories I will put away in my mind and dust off in the later years when the house is quiet, clean, and sometimes a bit lonely.

The computer is calling, laundry is piling up, the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, bills need to be paid, the news drones on in the background and it seems mostly bad.

But wait. Perhaps I will grab a chair, sit down, and enjoy watching two little boys chasing their dreams of beautiful dragonflies in glass jars softly beating their wings. Just breathe.


  1. I LOVE this pix Rita! I love how boys minds wander, dream, express etc ... My son says the sweetest things to me and it amazes me each day! He's 3 1/2 and time just flies ...

  2. What a lovely, sincere post. Thank you.

  3. Wonderful story! I've also come to realize that we need to sit down and enjoy! Enjoy the moments of today. And than - tomorrow enjoy the moments of yesterday, shown in pictures!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. How true. Your comment "Just Breathe" should be a mantra for all hard working parents. We should all take the time out of our day to do this.

  5. That is so cute! What a great memory. The picture is absolutely adorable. I love your stuff by the way. You rock!!

  6. beautifully said. We get so caught up in the everyday "stuff" like the dishes and the bills...we forget to enjoy and savour the little moments...great photo by the way - love the colours!

  7. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us Rita! We all need to be reminded to stop and watch the dragonflies once in a while.

  8. Lovely post. There's nothing like just watching your children be children to put things back in perspective. Great picture too!

  9. We all could use a breather now and then. Good for you - enjoying and being in the moment.

  10. This is so a mother of 4 one of the things I have learned so well is to ENJOY the time with your children. Mothers often get caught up in the "taking care of" and "cleaning up after" aspect of motherhood and dream of the days when all kids will be independent. Those days come way too quickly and the days you'll long for are days like glad to hear you're enjoying the dragonfly chases!

  11. Lovely post, Rita! I hope you enjoy this day with your boys.

  12. I love this post! You are such a wise young mother... before you know it your little *dragonflies* will have flown and you will have an empty nest. Stock up on those happy memories. They will keep you warm when you are my age!

  13. You won't be sorry that you made that decision....

  14. this post says a lot about a woman, a mother and a person.
    we read your sincere heart, rita.
    thanks for sharing it.
    God bless you and your family.

  15. this post says a lot about a woman, a mother and a person.
    we read your sincere heart, rita.
    thanks for sharing it.
    God bless you and your family.

  16. Awww... thanks for that. I have 3 little boys who are also growing up way too fast!!! It's so nice to slow down & enjoy them :)

  17. Oh how true! My "little ones" are all grown with families of their own! What I'd give to go back and spend a day with "three little girls" under foot! Gotta go...need a tissue!

  18. BEAUTIFUL post!! I really needed to read that today! And the pic is absolutely priceless. Thank you!

  19. great post, thanks for sharing your heart & the wonderful pic of your boys!

  20. You are where I was, just under 20 years ago.
    You already know the secret. It's the memories. So keep taking the beautiful photos.
    Lovely post.

  21. I could really relate to this doesn't seem so long ago my little girls (now 15 and 18) were playing dress up. I love the photo of your boys....priceless!

  22. wonderful post Rita. most of the time all the "stuff" can wait. our kids being kids can't. TFS :)

  23. Beautiful, beautiful post and pic


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