Thursday, October 23

CoffeeShop 2by2 Template and Loading Action!

Here is the first free CoffeeShop Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Template and Loading Action set. There are two actions. The first, CoffeeShop 2by2 Template, allows you to customize the basic 4 photo template you see above with rounded or square corners, image borders, text, and template colors. The second action, CoffeeShop 2by2 Load, will automatically crop your images to the correct size and perfectly place them within the template. This template was designed to fit in frames you can find in town, like 16x20, 11x14, 8x10 and 5x7. This is the first in a series of free CoffeeShop Templates, so please check back often!

This download is a zipped file containing a Photoshop and Photoshop Elements folder. The Photoshop folder has one action set containing the two actions, the Elements folder has the template and load actions and the two matching .png icons. There is also a .pdf file with detailed instructions. If you are an Elements user, please read the instructions! This download contains no premade templates.

Download CoffeeShop 2by2 Template Actions!

If you want the basic .psd templates without having to use an action, I have made one square corners and one rounded corners version for you to download. There are no borders and there is one white and one black version. When you add your images to this template be sure to drop them UNDER the template layer and free transform your images to fit. You can change the template color by selecting the template layer and clicking your paint can tool on the white area (with foreground swatch set to desired color).

Download CoffeeShop 2by2 PreMade Templates!

Do you want to download thousands of professional CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop actions (including exclusive ones not found anywhere for free), textures/overlays, scrapbooking papers, clip art/design elements, photo storyboards and frames, and Lightroom presets from this site in one convenient zipped file AND help support this one-woman blog?

Just click here for my CoffeeShop Mega Download Pack!


  1. I big big big thank you from France -- I'mm need to tweak a little to get them to work for our frames sizes, but that should be easy. Thank you for your generosity! Now off to play!

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'm sooo excited about these! I have a quick question - can I use these for professional use? Use them to create storyboards for clients?

  3. Very nice, thanks so much :)

  4. Thanks, Rita! Can't wait to try them out!

  5. I'm so excited - can wait to get home to download them. They are blocked on my work computer.

  6. Thank you, I've just worked out "actions" so these will be great fun to play with. hsmema

  7. You guys are welcome! And yes jenney, you can use these templates any way you wish, but they are not to be packaged and sold as templates!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us! I always look forward to checking into your blog to see what you have been "up to"! Thanks again!

  9. Thank you so very much! I can't wait to play!

  10. Thank you! I look forward to using these! (2peashomebody)

  11. I have no idea what I would do without you!

  12. You're awesome! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

  13. Did I mention how freakin' awesome you are?? Thanks again!!

  14. Rita, I just love your donation button comment :) So very creative (like you are always) and cute!

  15. Just had to say, THANK YOU for all of your hard work. These have taken my photos from normal to professional. ALl of our actions are awesome!!

  16. hey these keep shutting out my photoshop. =(

  17. I can't seem to get this one to work correctly in PSE 6. I can create the 2 layer PSD template just fine. When I run the load action it applies the text layer to the 4th photo and then quits because it can't find the Template layer because it appears to be operating on the 4th image instead of the 2by2 Template I created. Any ideas?

  18. hi Rita, thanks a lot for all your actions, working with them all of the time!

    This one, however, doesn't work. I have PSE6 on Vista, and when I open the first photo, it crops it the wrong way (widens it to landscape) and at the end, when the template is opened, he shuts down at the final step.

    Tried several times, but problem reoccurs every time.
    Anyone else has got this problem? Found a solution?


  19. Thank you so much for your fabulous templates and actions! You are amazing!!


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