Tuesday, October 21

Newest CoffeeShop Template Actions Almost Here!

Just wanted to pop in and let you guys know I have written my first template actions and they are being tested as we speak. Once they pass inspection they will be posted here. I am going to be making an entire series of different templates in the following weeks. This first one is for 4 photos and can be printed 5 x 7 (cards) to 16 x 20.

But the best part is everything is done by actions. The first action creates the template for you. It allows you to decide on square or rounded corners, image border colors, and you can also easily change the template background color from white to whatever you want. Then you save this as an unflattened .psd file. But the cool part is the CoffeeShop Load action. This is run after creating and saving your template. It prompts you to open your images in the order you wish them placed in the template and it automatically puts the crop tool on it and you make your crop selection and the images are cropped. Then you open your template when prompted and the action automatically puts the images perfectly in place in seconds. It also puts down a line of text that you can edit or remove.

Anyway, I am really excited about these actions. They are such a time saver and allow so much freedom in your creation of storyboards or cards. I didn't even know that it was possible to write these types of actions, so I have learned so much these last few days.

So please keep visiting the CoffeeShop for your free Storyboard/card template actions!



  1. Is it possible to create an action to make collage photos?

  2. I am excited too! Can't wait to try them out!

  3. Rita, I can hardly wait! I was thinking they could be used for simple scrapbooking (which I'm experimenting with) and they could be used to make this year's Christmas card! Are you working from a book or are you so familiar with this stuff that you figure it out as you go? Either way, great job, and thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Rita, You ROCK!! So excited :) Thank you!

  5. I can hardly wait! THANK YOU!THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You are so kind to share!

  6. can't wait to see them! sounds great!


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