Saturday, October 25

CoffeeShop B&W Templates (Set 1) for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Coming Soon!

I was playing around tonight and put together my CoffeeShop B&W Templates, Set 1. There are 7 different B&W premade .psd templates. The templates are 11 x 14, 300 dpi, with 4 x 6 cutouts, so your standard photos will not have to be cropped to fit. I will also upload the action that will run in Photoshop 7 & all versions of CS and Photoshop Elements 5, 6, and 7 to make this basic template.

My satellite internet is giving me problems tonight, so I hope to upload all of the templates tomorrow!



  1. I have just recently found your site so I am playing catch-up.

    I want to say that I am overwhelmed by your generosity! THANK YOU for sharing your time and your amazing talent! I've only gotten to play with a few of the actions on a couple of pictures but I'm so excited about what I'm learning. I'm also very excited about your new templates, they're gorgeous!

    Just can't say THANK YOU enough--
    PSE6 user

  2. I'm assuming these are ok for commercial use as well?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

  3. You rock!! Thank you so much! ~Linda

  4. This looks exciting! Thanks so much


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