Thursday, May 26

CoffeeShop "Marble Antiquities" Fine Art Texture/Overlay/Paper Set!

I wanted to post this earlier today, but I have had a very frustrating day so far. I was working on a brochure for my husband a few months ago and hadn't finished it. Today I had some time (and pressure from him!) to finish it up and I can't find the editable layered PSD version, just the flattened JPGs I sent him. 

If anything I am a computer file hoarder and I never delete anything. So I have no idea where my brochure went and it looks like I have to recreate it from scratch. ARGGGGGG. That wouldn't be so bad except I can't remember what fonts I used so I am going to spend my afternoon trying to figure it all out.

So enough about my boring stupid day, I hope you are having a great one! Today I wanted to post a set of gorgeous antique marble textures. You can use these alone as papers or overlayed over your images or designs. They come with free commercial terms-of-use so have fun playing with them!

Do you want to download all of my favorite professional CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop actions (including exclusive ones not found anywhere for free), textures, papers, clip art/design elements, storyboards, and Lightroom presets in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my CoffeeShop Mega Download Pack!


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