Friday, May 6

CoffeeShop "Fantin-Latour" Fine Art Texture Set!

Happy Friday! I am in a good mood this morning because I got up early and went on a bike ride. It is getting hot and I decided that it was better to start exercising early in the morning on my bike rather than walking. I need the bike-riding breeze to keep me from melting. I have been lazy but it is time for me to get back into shape and I love to bike. 

Hoover, however, does not approve of my biking. That means fewer walks and he lives for his walks. So now the kids are helping out by walking him in the morning while I am out riding. 

I had mentioned over on my Facebook page that we had a new family member. I will post her story next week, but I wanted to introduce you to Vala. She is a sweetheart and already terribly spoiled. Hoover is enjoying having a cat sister because she always leaves some of her food in her bowl so he gets several little small-bite snacks throughout the day.

Vala also likes Hoover, but she loves to torture him. She will run up to him, smack him on the face with her paw (claws out), then run away hoping he will chase her. He just looks puzzled and tries to ignore her. But sometimes he can't resist sniffing her or giving her a wet and sloppy kiss and then she acts put out.

I am just thankful Hoover is a gentle giant and is great around our bird, rat, and cat. Vala, on the other hand, is not allowed near the bird or rat since she is a little tiny killing machine.

The boys love that little cat so much. Isaac can't remember our two cats we had when he was a baby (Tractor and Beck), but he always told me he thought he was a cat person. We couldn't get a cat when we had Piper since Piper wanted to eat cats, but Hoover is a cool dude and we knew he would be a great cat brother. It was instant love when Isaac met Vala, and that little kitty is Isaac's baby. He carries her around, cleans her litter box, feeds her, cuddles with her, and plays with her. He even had to get a coffee mug that says "Cat Person". 

I, on the other hand, am a dog, cat, bird, chicken, rat, etc. person. I even love my plants. But I have to admit that little cat is incredibly cute. But Hoover is still my main squeeze of all of our family pets.

Anyway, enough about our kitty love. I wanted to post these three textures I made last week. I hope you can use them in your own work, they come with free commercial terms-of-use. If you design with them I would love to see your results on my Facebook page!

Do you want to download all of my favorite professional CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop actions (including exclusive ones not found anywhere for free), textures, papers, clip art/design elements, storyboards, and Lightroom presets in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my CoffeeShop Mega Download Pack!

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