Thursday, September 12

Where Has The Time Gone? Galveston, School, CAP, and Angel Flights!

I am so sorry I haven't been here blogging for some time, I have really missed it! We have been busy the last 2 weeks, including a trip to the beach and getting back into school. But things are going great and I plan on getting back to The CoffeeShop!

So what have we been up to lately? Where to start... If you have been following my blog for any time you probably are aware my happy spot is the beach. Galveston Island, TX. We live only 1.5 hours away and I try to get the family out there several times a year. 

This trip we stayed at my parent's timeshare off the seawall. Unfortunately Paul was not able to come, he had to work, but the kids and I made the trip out there with my mom. It was a blissful 5 days and I was sad to come home. Sure, it was hot, but the weather was gorgeous. During the hottest time of the day we were inside reading, another blissful way to spend the day. 

But once late afternoon rolled in we hit the beach. 

We fed the seagulls.

Played in the sand and surf. 

And enjoyed stunning sunsets.

Looking at these photos just makes me want to go back... I am thinking October.

I haven't blogged much lately about our flights in the Gooney Bird. We have had several adventures over the summer and I will write about them later. But today I wanted to tell you about Paul's newest passion, volunteering for Angel Flight. Actually, click on the image above or this YouTube link for him to tell you about it himself!

In a nutshell, pilots volunteer their time and plane to fly patients for treatment. Paul was featured on their site last month, please go read it here or see it above (click on it to see it larger). We live next to one of the best cancer centers in the world (MD Anderson), so many patients need transportation down to Houston. Not only does this save them a long drive, it also keeps them off of commercial flights where they would have to deal with long waits and sitting next to sick people.

Most of the patients he has flown from around Texas and surrounding states needed treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center, but the other week he flew this precious 9 -year-old to the Shriners Hospital for Children Burn Center in Galveston.

I hope the little boy and his mother enjoyed the view on their way there. It was a pretty day.

I am so proud of Paul. His work with Angel Flight combine two of his passions; flying and helping people. What a great way to spend your weekend!

OK, back to the (boring) rest of us. I now am a proud mother of TWO Civil Air Patrol cadets!

Imp is back to making Lego Stop Motion movies. Lately they have been a little political, I should post some of them. He loves to follow the news and apparently is quite opinionated.

And on a final note, while we are at home working hard, my parents are gallivanting around Germany visiting my Dad's relatives. He is from Bremen but also has family in Bremerhaven. My dad texted me this photo of him riding a motorcycle with his little brother. My dad is the one riding on the back, and I don't know if he has ever been on a motorcycle before! It looks like they are having fun while we are housesitting for them and taking care of their neurotic cat. ;-) One of these days I hope to bring the boys to their grandfather's hometown Bremen.

Hope you have a great weekend!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog post. I was actually wondering about you the other day hoping all was well; glad to see it is. Your sons are getting so tall and they look very official in their uniform. I've never heard of Angel Flight before but it sounds like a wonderful organization. I've done some volunteer work with the Ronald McDonald House organization and I know how important it is for cancer patients and their families to have one less worry to contend with. Glad you enjoyed you beach time.


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