Friday, March 29

CoffeeShop "Silas" Fine Art Texture Set!

Yesterday we made our annual drive to Bluebonnet Country (Washington, TX and surrounding towns). The weather was perfect and we had a great time. I posted a few photos on Instagram from my iPhone.  

Today I was downloading my "real camera" images and the yellow flower image above is from that shoot. I need to find out what the name of that tree/shrub is later today. It was filled with yellow round flowers and had thorns on the limbs. Gorgeous! If you know what it is please leave a comment.

Today I have a new texture/overlay set I called "Silas" after my grandfather. This set contains three high resolution textures that you can use layered over images or as a pretty digital paper. I use these in multiply, screen, overlay or soft light blending modes on my image, and you can even blur them to add additional beauty and interest. I have a step-by step tutorial posted below.

The texture set download is toward the bottom of  this post.

CoffeeShop "Silas" Texture Tutorial:

Open your image in Photoshop or PSE.

Place the CoffeeShop  Silas Texture 3 on your image and transform it to fit.

Put this texture in Multiply blending mode.

Make a copy of the Texture layer and put it in Soft Light blending mode. This really brightens the image.

Add additional contrast by making a copy of the Background flower, dragging it on top of the layer, and placing it is Soft Light blending mode. Adjust the Opacity to taste.

For a more "oil-painting" effect, click to select the bottom texture layer that is in Multiply mode and Gaussian Blur it slightly to soften the texture. I used a setting of 7 in this example.

I think this turned out gorgeous! I would love to see your own edits using this texture set on my Facebook page.

Download the CoffeeShop "Silas" Fine Art Texture Set.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for all the actions/presets and professional design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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  1. I think the shrub with the yellow flowers is Mimosa

    1. Thank you! I will look that up, but I think our Mimosa trees here are all have pink fluffy blooms. I need to do some research!

  2. It is so sweet that you named this awesome set of textures after your grandpa. As always, they are fabulous and very much appreciated.

    Happy to hear that your annual drive to Bluebonnet Country was a successful one! Have a great weekend!


    1. I hope you had a great weekend too Lisa! I really miss my grandparents, I just lost my last one in November. I was blessed to have them all take such an active part in my life for so long. But I really miss all four of them...


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