Tuesday, July 14

Piper Puppy and Toby Kitty Update!

WARNING:  There are images in this post that might shock and offend you.  I realize my blog is a photography blog and should only contain beautiful, professional images. However, every photo in this post is a low-quality phone snapshot with bad lighting and no thought to posing.  Please avert your eyes if you start feeling sick. 

Now that you have been warned, on to the baby animals.  Everyone loves baby animals, right?

I have had some of you write me and ask for an update on our rescues Piper Puppy and Little Kitty.

Piper is doing great.  He is growing fast and is now around 15 weeks old and 21 pounds.  Hard to believe he was only six pounds when we adopted him.  

He loves to hang out with his daddy every night. He is sure cute when he is sleepy.

He also loves car trips. Here he is grabbing a nap after a short hike.

When his daddy isn't with us he hangs out with the boys in the back seat.

He also ignores every proper stuffed dog toy we buy him from Petsmart but LOVES this Horton elephant he stole from the boys' toy box.  Duke had a fit but I reminded him that they never play with Horton and the stuffed animal was already covered with dog spit.

It is now officially Piper's best friend.

And pillow.

So how is the little kitty we found on our porch that one rainy day and sent over to my parent's house?

Tobias (Toby for short) is living the life of luxury.  I would love to show you photos of him tearing around the house having a blast, but Mom only sends me photos of him sleeping.  That is the only time he is still.

He is 15 weeks old like Piper (they were both born around April Fool's Day).  Every time I visit them my father mentions in his gruff German accent that I have been written out of his will.  But I do notice him patting little Toby when he thinks I am not looking.

 My dad hates to admit it, but he is just a big blustering softie at heart. I am on to you Dad.

Toby is sure cute when he is asleep. I have always loved cats.

But I have to admit as much as I love little Toby the Kitty, I am partial to my puppy.  Exhausted sure, but enjoying the new member of our family. Even when I am cursing at him under my breath.  He bites, chews, and poops way to much, but darn it, he sure is cute.

I have a new freebie coming out tomorrow!!!  Have a great Tuesday.

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  1. Just love your pet updates! They always bring a smile to my face. So pleased to hear that Toby has become a permanent member of the family too! Thanks, Rita!

  2. So fun to read posts about your puppy and kitty!

  3. Thanks for another great update! Piper and Tobias are truly adorable.

    Lisa D.


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