Wednesday, May 6

CoffeeShop "Starburst" Overlay Pack and Tutorial for Photoshop/PSE!

I am really excited to post this free Sunburst overlay pack and Photoshop/PSE tutorial today.  As you might know, the starburst/lens flare filter that comes with Photoshop/PSE is not incredibly realistic.  I went looking for a tutorial to create my own and I found this excellent YouTube video that walked me through creating my own set.

It took a bit of time but I had so much fun and ended up designing five different versions to share with you today!  I also wanted to post a tutorial on how I would combine one of my actions and these overlays to create an artistic edit.

CoffeeShop Starburst Overlay Photoshop/PSE Tutorial:

I am using this stunning image from Jill Wellington (Facebook, Blog, Free Photoshop Videos) for this tutorial.  It is already perfect (Jill is such a talented photography and artist), but it is fun to create "artistic" versions of your favorite images for displaying on your walls or your website.  

You don't have to combine actions and overlays, I just wanted to show you one way I would edit this image using several fun tools.

Run Action:  I ran one of my of my favorite actions  called "Buttercream Luxe" on the image.  This screenshot shows the image after the action finishes running with no adjustments.  The beauty of using my actions is you can customize them to get your own personal edit and have the enhancement as dramatic or subtle as you wish.

After Action  Adjustments:  I turned on the Define layer and reduced it to 15%.  Then I added some rosy glow to her cheeks using the "Rosy Lips and Cheeks" layer. 

After looking at this version, I decided the background was too green and I wanted to add some blue to the shadows.  There are several ways to do this and I used Curves in this example, but PS/PSE users can also use Levels with equal results.

I painted on the layer mask with a soft black brush to remove most of the blue Curves layer from the horse and the girl.  

Photoshop Users:  Add a Curves adjustment layer under "Rosy Lips" and select Blue.  Then move the lower left point of the curve straight up until you are happy with the effect.

Photoshop or PSE Users:  Add a Levels adjustment layer under "Rosy Lips" and select Blue.  Then move the Output Levels lower left setting (shadows) to the right until you are happy with the effect.  I set this one at 64.

Add Starburst Overlay:  Open up your Starburst Overlay (in this case I used CS Starburst Overlay #4) and drag it on top of your image under the Butter Cream layer and set it to Screen blending mode.  Resize the overlay and drag it to an area of sky where light would be shining through so that it looks realistic.  

In this edit I put the Starburst overlay at 76% and slightly Gaussian blurred it.  I used a black soft brush on the layer mask to remove the starburst light from her face and hair.

Mouseover the image below to see the "before".

I love this edit!!!  These starburst overlays look so much more realistic than the filters that come with Photoshop/PSE and they are so easy to use.  I hope you enjoy using them on your image image and I would LOVE to see your before and afters on my Facebook page!!!

Download the CoffeeShop "Starburst Overlay set".

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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  1. I am having problems with it saying I'm out of RAM? :( any advice? This looks so wonderful!

    1. When do you get this warning? These are simple image files that you drag and drop on top of an edited image. If you are getting a warning you are out of RAM it sounds like your computer doesn't have enough RAM to do large edits in Photoshop. Try using images without as many layers maybe? Rita

    2. I'm having the same issue too. Mine is saying this action is not compatible with my version of PSE (9) and then it says I'm out of RAM. This looks like a great action too!

    3. Reset your photoshop preferences, that could be the issue. :-)

  2. I haven't come on your blog in so long! You are amazing, thank you so much, I look forward to getting back into photography.

    Cindy Irene

  3. I downloaded the Starburst Overlay pack and am following the instructions to Load Actions instructions in Photoshop but the pack does not come up. I unzipped the files and checked what opened and I don't see a file ending in .atn Is this download still functioning? Many thanks, H

    1. There isn't an action in this download, just the starburst textures!


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