Tuesday, January 20

CoffeeShop "Valentine Heart Frame" for Photoshop/PSE!

We have been a one-computer (iMac) household for the last five years or so.  And the computer is ALL MINE-DO NOT TOUCH! because it is my work computer.  My husband can access his work computer via the iPad and my kids haven't needed to use a computer.

I won't let anyone touch my computer because I am afraid they will screw something up.  I hadn't even updated my IOS (I think I was at least 2 generations behind) for fear of causing problems.  Yes, I have some issues as my husband likes to gently remind me.  ;-)

My computer was getting a bit slow and cranky after almost four years and we realized that I needed to get a new one for my work which meant the old one can be used by the rest of the family.  Great, right?  Except when you realize how much time it takes to get fully operational on a new system...

My saintly husband is taking over setting up my new computer but we have run into some issues, the worst being CS5 does not work in the new IOS.   Yes, the horror!!!  I hold on to my programs as long as I can because it is expensive to upgrade and not always worth it.  However, I do need Photoshop so I took the plunge and "rented" Photoshop CC.  And so far so good.  I even get the latest version of Lightroom for free which is nice since I was planning on upgrading so I could use the newest goodies from Pretty Preset (Winter Wonderland).

I am paying $120 a year to rent both Photoshop/Lightroom and it costs $150 to just purchase LR5, so I feel pretty good about my decision.  Even though I really didn't have a choice.  :-(  I drive my husband crazy because I worry so much about money and have to justify every purchase to myself.

And did I mention that I have what seems like a billions images of my kids on my computer?   My husband was a bit shocked.  I always forget to erase the bad ones so I have a hard drive full of images of fuzzy unfocused kids picking their nose.  It is going to be a project to remove them, but I need the space on my new hard drive.  It is so difficult to permanently delete a photo of you kid, even it is is a horrible photo.  ;-)

Now on to my freebie today!

Today I was able to use Photoshop CC to put together my newest digital freebie, a Valentine Heart Frame for Photoshop/PSE.  This frame is a layered psd file and you can change all of the colors and add your image via a clipping mask.  This frame would look adorable on your Facebook cover, website, on cards, etc.

I found the original black and white heart at Graphics Fairy (but can't find the direct link, I am so sorry!).

If you want to change the color of the gold you can turn on the top layer (Change gold color) and make that any color you want.  You can also change the blending mode of the Color layer from  "Color" to "Normal" if you want to remove the glitter texture from that layer.  You can change the background paper color on the bottom layer.  Add your image above the "Clipping Mask" layer and group it.

Save as a png if you want to keep the background transparent, and as a jpg if you are using it on a white background.  Have fun playing with it!!!

Download the free CoffeeShop "Valentine Heart Frame".  You can also download it here.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

1 comment:

  1. Rita you inspire me. I haven't touched the computer since before Christmas...yes, it's shocking! We are also a one computer family (me and my boys), it's about 4 yrs old. I homeschool my grade 8 son and now my oldest is doing grade 10 online! Some of his options are Raster/Vector graphics and a special project learning coding. So besides tutoring him, teaching my other son...and now the Rheumatoid arthritis in my elbows, fingers and wrists....my projects are collecting dust. And honestly...I seem to have lost my creative drive; it just seems like too much effort. But I come back to your site and see your designs and a spark of creativity ignites! Thank-you! .....now just to find the time ;) God bless, Shannon Brandt slbrandt@shaw.ca


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