Friday, February 28

{Friday Photo Bliss} and Two New Photographers in Our Family!

Duke and his cousin M clearing brush for their "fort" in my parents' woods.  No one was harmed in the making of these photos!

We are going on a car trip soon and I wanted to get Duke (9) a digital camera.  The requirements were simple:  Small, cheap, takes movies, and not too fuzzy.  Did I mention cheap?

I wanted to see the cameras rather than just order one on-line, so we headed out to Target.  I found a Sony Cybershot  that was $89 and had pretty decent reviews on Amazon.  As I was complaining to myself that I really didn't want to pay that much for a kid's camera, the Target Guy told me that Target now prices-matches Amazon, and if you use your Target card you get an additional 5% off that price!

I quickly looked up the camera on Amazon and found out it was in stock (it has to be to get the discounted price) and only $67!  And the extra 5% discount almost covered the sales tax.  I had a weak moment and decided to buy one for each of the boys.  They were so excited since they were told we were only getting one and they would have to share.

So this afternoon they have been busy taking stunning photos of their penguins (see below) and the most crazy, annoying videos of each other.  If I figure out how to post videos here I will try to put one up.  I see a hard-drive full of stupid videos in my near future!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the most wonderful thing! It is never too early to start letting our budding photographers do their thing...
    I gave my 4 year old grandson a similar camera for Christmas, and he is filling his camera card happily. Can't wait for the time we can go out on a photo journey together- be it the back yard or up the road to the woods! Hope you figure out the video will be great fun to see.


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