Friday, July 12

{Friday Photo Bliss} and New Action Coming Out!!!

Every Friday I like to post one image I took that week that makes me happy. Today I decided to break tradition and post one image that expresses why I make the boys wash their feet when we get home from the park.  Disgusting Duke Feet!!!  Sorry I shared this, but I wanted you to feel my pain.

This is why I am usually the only Mom at the park who has boys running around in their Crocs with socks. That way they can remove the disgusting socks when they get home and their feet are basically clean.  Am I too neurotic?

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. Love this! I use your actions all the time! How about Sunburst?


    Maddy @

  2. I would name it "Rays Kisses" or "Beam Me Up"

  3. Love your actions! Would you ever consider writing one that adds an instagram print into a 4x6 template for easy printing? Thanks for all the amazing actions!!

  4. Love this, thx for sharing your actions. We don't have to go to the park to get dirty feet. My grandchildren go home from our house with dirt and pitch on their feet.

  5. How about naming it "Mellow Yellow Sunshine?"


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