Sunday, February 10

Still Sick!

So I thought we were over the stomach bug on Friday, and was really happy that Duke seemed to have escaped it.  Then poor Duke got sick late Friday night.  Then my husband and I started feeling really bad once again.  We would feel better, eat some food, and then feel icky again.  This little bug is a gift that keeps on giving.  Thank goodness Imp, the originator of this disease, is finally well.  But unfortunately he is full of excess energy and driving us all a bit crazy.

I just wanted to check in so that you know that I am still around.  I am planning on putting up a matte B&W action either tonight or tomorrow, but for now I am going to crawl back in bed.  I need to get well so I can catch up with my blog and email.

I hope you are having a fun, healthy weekend.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. Hope you get well soon!
    I need to carve some time to try out your newest actions; they look great!

  2. aww you poor things - take some time out and look after you and your family - we can all wait (and waiting always makes it more exciting :-) )
    sending hugs x

  3. Feel better, Rita! You do so many great need a REST!


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