Sunday, July 10

CoffeeShop Storybook Vintage PSE/Photoshop Action!

If you are new to my blog, welcome!!! The CoffeeShop Blog is a one-woman-owned business (by me, Rita!) and I create all of the tutorials and freebies posted here. If you want to grab hundreds of my Photoshop/PSE actions (including exclusive sets not found here on my blog), Lightroom Presets, and professional digital designs (including all of my favorite holiday sets) in a single download AND help support my site please check out my CoffeeShop Download Pack. Thanks to you The CoffeeShop Blog is possible.

Here is my newest free action, CoffeeShop Storybook Vintage Action.  I love vintage actions and this is the first one I wrote on my new iMac!  Of course, this action will run in both Macs and PCs.

When you run this action the only setting you will have to adjust is how much you want to feather the vignette layer.  It is preset to 100.

When you run this action you will have four layers.  On my "after" I moved the Vintage Color Tint up from 50% to 80% and the Vignette from 100% to 60%.

I hope you enjoy my newest free action! Want to know what is going behind the scene in this action?  Just click here to see the Storybook Vintage Action UnWrapped Tutorial (where I take apart the action so you know what it is doing in every step).

Download the free CoffeeShop Storyboard Vintage PSE/Photoshop action.  You can also download it here.

Want all of my favorite CoffeeShop Actions in one simple download AND help support this blog? Just click here for more information! For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. welcome to the Mac World! action looks great! thanks for all of your hard work, can't wait to try it out. :)

  2. Thanks so much, Rita. Love your actions. :)

  3. LOVE this one! Cant wait to use it!! :)

  4. Thank you for this action. I love vintage actions.
    And thank you for sharing all your great actions.


  5. Thank you this looks great!

    I have always found that it is Mediafire that is leaving pop ups on my computer. I usually don't get anything left on my computer from Four shared.

  6. I can't wait to try this!!! You are FANTASTIC!! !:)

  7. Thank you, this looks wonderful.

  8. Thank you very much for sharing your lovely preset. I love the way that your photo came out before and after but I am partial to the after look. :)

    I have no problem with 4shared either and I also use Norton Anti Virus software.


  9. This looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I downloaded it and am off to go play. Oh, and I'm really liking your other actions, too. I bought the full set about a week ago and have been having a lot of fun with it.

  10. I love this one! And what a great shot!

  11. oooooooooooh So pretty!!! thanks!

  12. Awesome job Rita, welcome to Mac. Once you go never go back.

  13. You are so awesome my friend...
    {{{{hug}}}} Love you!!!

  14. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to try it out! :)

  15. my first vintage action! thanks so much for sharing with me/us!

  16. Thank you! These are very nice. I personally find 4Share very tedious. They make us wait 520 - 580 seconds for a download no matter the size. And often, when you finally click 'download' they make you go through the download wait time again.I have passed up many free items because I just don't have the time. I have a pop-up blocker on and love Mediafire for not making me wait.

  17. I agree about 4shared. Now I am going with dropbox and mediafire. I like to have two different ones just in case one of them is down. :-)

  18. Hi Rita! some of your actions work fine in PSE11 dutch version. But the storyboard vintage doesn't. He keeps giving the text: object layer background not available. Is this because my version is in Dutch? Do I have to make a preset first?

    Thanks! Daphne Kamps
    You can mail me directly if you want:

  19. Thanks so much Rita! This is one of my favorites...downloading it again for my new computer :}


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