Tuesday, July 12

CoffeeShop Storybook Vintage Action UnWrapped Tutorial!

I want to personally thank all of my readers who have purchased the CoffeeShop Action Pack (where I packaged my favorite actions in one convenient download).  I have had requests from readers to put together a similar download for some of my design elements such as storyboards, textures, frames, and cut-outs.  So I finally sat down and picked out my favorites and zipped them all up in a file (almost 130 MB!).  You can find all of the information on the CoffeeShop Digital Design download here

And I also wanted to thank all of my readers for their donations, comments, and regular visits.  Your support, generosity, and incredibly nice comments make this blog not only possible, but a joyful creative outlet for me.  I love staying home with my two little boys, and it has been such a blessing to be able to help support my family through this blog.  I love posting freebies and tutorials, so if there is anything in particular you would like to see on my blog, please comment!


Now, on to the meat of this post!  I love writing actions, but I also love teaching editing, so here is another one of my Action UnWrapped tutorials.  If you want to download the CoffeeShop Storybook Vintage action that inspired this tutorial, you can find it here.

CoffeeShop Storybook Vintage Action UnWrapped!

1.  Lighten the highlights: 
Download and apply CoffeeShop Boost action to your background layer, or if you have Photoshop you can follow the tutorial in that post.  Put that layer in Screen blending mode and adjust the opacity to taste.

2.  Vignette:  Click on the Background.  Select all, then Select, Transform Selection and set the width and height to 80%.  Then feather the selection (I used 100 in the action) and then Select, Inverse.  Ctrl-J to put this in its own layer and put that layer in Multiple blending mode and adjust the opacity to taste.

3.  Vintage Color Tint:  Add a color fill layer (hex#eeddae) on top of all of the layers and put it in Multiple blending mode and adjust the opacity to taste (I used 50% in the action).

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing the unwrapped tutorial. Love it and the actions.
    I posted a image that I reprocessed following your steps on my blog today and I really like the look.
    Thanks again for be so generous with your knowledge.

  2. I had a question and it said to just ask through your blog so here goes: I have all of a sudden noticed an issue with an action I use of yours, called Web Drop Shadow. I have used it for a while now and just recently I have noticed it lightens my images. Most of the time it's just something I notice, but other times it bothers me (too light/skin tones). My monitor is calibrated and I have other actions can use or can create one myself, but I like yours! Hee hee. But just wondered if you noticed this or any else asked about it before. Or maybe I am just crazy.

    If you contact me, I can send you a like to a sample of what I am talking about.

  3. Today is my second day visit to this fabulous blog! I want to thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful tutorial and the freebies offered here. I am a beginner in Photoshop (mine is CS4) and will be hanging around your blog most of the time to read through your previous tutorials.
    One thing I am very keen to learn is
    How To Create Photo As Part of The Background In A Layout such as this sample (the first small layout below the text "...and pages my GREAT CT GIRLS")

    I would greatly appreciate if you can lead me to any tutorial on this.
    Thanking you in advance.
    Hugs, Heaney

  4. Rita, thank you so much for unwrapping your actions for those of us "control freaks" who have to do everything for ourselves.
    Please keep 'em coming.

  5. I just stumbled on your blog today and it's filled with lots of great tips and personal stories. What a great start to a lovely Friday :) I'm going to try some of your techniques on my travel blog, www.MeAndFrenchie.com. Come and say hello to us. Thanks again!


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