Thursday, June 16

VBS = Exhausted

Sorry, I don't have the energy to do a real post today.  My kids are in VBS (vacation bible school) in my grandmother's tiny church and I am helping out some.  It is horribly hot and some of the kids are crazy wild and by the time we get home I am completely exhausted.

And having to get the kids up and dressed and fed to get them to school by 9 is a whole new thing to me.  How do you mothers out there do this every day?  I didn't realize how easy I had it homeschooling. Who knew you can waste an hour or two each day just rushing around getting the kids ready and left off/picked up?

But I have to confess the boys love VBS and they are going to another one next month.   I am not working at that one, so I plan on sneaking out and actually getting a few things done.  Honestly, grocery shopping alone sounds thrilling right now.  Sending them off to school each day wouldn't be all bad.  ;-) 

I hope you are having a great week!


  1. Just the words VBS is all you had to say. I have always said there should be a different word for "tired" after a day working at VBS. You stare at the walls when you get home, spaced out. I love your site. Thank you for what you do.

  2. I feel your pain Rita! I've been tagged to be our VBS photographer/slide show creater for our PANDAMANIA VBS. :) I've got a month, but I'm trying work on maintaining my energy past 6pm as our is an evening VBS!


  3. How funny, because I'm thinking "I don't know how you do it!" to the moms who home-school their kids! The few hours that my son is in school is the few hours I get to clean, run errands, work out if I am motivated :o) , read, etc... because when he's out of school it's him until he goes to bed or I pass out LOL!

    My son loves VBS too. He is registered for few this summer, starting in a couple of weeks. He loves them and I get my couple of hours of time back so we're both happy! Hahaha! Don't get me wrong, I love being with my son more than anything, but the little time alone now and then keep me refreshed.

    Great post, and hang in there! :o)

  4. I used to attend VBS every summer and LOVED IT! The Community Methodist church held theirs first and then the Southern Baptists. I loved the alphabet macaroni plaques and the songs: Jesus Loves Me, This I Know!
    Hope your boys continue to love their experience.

  5. I just spent the last two hours engrossed in your blog. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas and actions. I don't know how you do it. You have the best actions and your photos are wonderful! I, too, am a stay at home mom, photographer/writer, and I have 17 years of home schooling under my belt. When I can, I WILL donate money. You are amazing.

  6. I love VBS. Loved it as a kid, worked it as a teen, send my own kids now. You are doing real, life changing work, even if it just seems like glue and popsicle sticks right now!

  7. LOL, oh how I can relate to the VBS exhaustion. This will be my 10th year working at ours. We get about 250 kids and by the end of the week I am fried. But, what counts is the fact the kids have a great time and get to learn more about Jesus.

    As for the "I don't know how you do it" I must say I don't know how YOU do it LOL! Being an introvert by nature when I don't get my "alone time" I go wingy and am not much fun to be a round at times. They say it takes 4 hours for every 1 hour around people for introverts to "re-energize". No wonder VBS wipes me out LOL!

  8. I have been using your actions and coming for inspiration at your blog for about 3 yrs now and I never realized you homeschooled! I homeschool two also and I felt the exact same way during VBS! I don't think I would ever be able to get us all to school on time! and never by 8:30!


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