And don't you love our fancy dinner plates? I inherited them from my mother-in-law and they are the best. They take so much abuse and are still in perfect shape. I am always tempted to get something a bit more classy/modern/simple, but I just love these plates. They remind me of my childhood.
I haven't had time to write a review about Lightroom 3
I am going to homeschool Duke (he is six) this summer. He would be in 1st grade in Fall, so I decided to work on his reading, writing and math. I think a three month break is too much (he will forget everything just like I did), so I decided to do year-round school (with just the basics during the summer) and take breaks whenever we want.
But we have to have fun too, so I am also teaching the boys to cook (Williams-Sonoma The Cookbook for Kids: Great Recipes for Kids Who Love to Cook
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have plenty more freebies coming your way. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and also your generous support. Because of you I can stay at home with my boys, play on the computer, and keep posting here. ♥
Love the photo of the eggs! Some of our neighbors have chickens, but we haven't tried that adventure yet. Your summer sounds similar to mine....I have a 6 year old and 4 year old. Although my 6 year old is in public school, I do homeschool both during the summer. We do the basics everyday and then designate one day a week each to cooking, science, and music. Have a great summer!
ReplyDeleteI love your plate - we had that exact Corning design when I was growing up! Brings back great memories! :)
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog!! And seeing a peek into another family's life that is similar to mine (all boys :)) and I LOVE the plates....brings back WONDERFUL memories of dinner with my parents when I was a kid. My mom had those exact plates!!! I now wish I still had them!
ReplyDeleteHi! I decided to post photos like you do on Fridays. I love your photos and enjoy your blog a lot! I will be posting mine on Sundays, called it Sunday Shots. Lol. I posted about your blog with a link. Anyway if you care to see... my blog is here
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
That is my kind of fried egg! I just eat the yolks anyway! We get our eggs and bacon from a farm Too. The best!
ReplyDeleteits funny you mentioned the plates. they were the first thing I saw when I saw the post in my google reader. they are the plates mom had growing up they were incredibly strong and durable I can't tell you how many times there "bounced" off the floor. cute eggs too.
ReplyDeleteI only edit with Lightroom 3. I'm sure Photoshop is great but I don't see the need when LR is so simple and easy and produces such fantastic results! As for your plates, they are Corele, right? Mine look just like that without the design - just plain white. I got a set of service for 8 at Walmart for like $52. My kids have dropped them so many times and they're still perfect! And with the plain white, they go with any decor. I've totally used them for upscale parties and such and they fit right in.
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky, I would love to have free range chickens! My neighbors...not so much ;-)
ReplyDeleteHomeschooling over the summer is a good idea. My oldest just finished preschool and I'm going to work on a few things with him so he's ready to start Kindergarten in the fall.
That sounds like a fun summer. You should also check out the book, The Composer is Dead, by Limony Snicket. It's fantastic and has a cd with all original music. Have a fun summer!
ReplyDeleteWe love our bantam eggs! I used to boil them... perfect for salads or just popping into your mouth for a tasty treat! We called them egg poppers!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the homeschooling this summer! I think homeschooling is a wonderful thing!
perfect crepe hint: splash a little sparking water in the batter, trust me! Keep blogging- love it!
ReplyDeleteMAKES ME HUNGRY!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMIGOODNESS! My heart did a flippy flop at the sight of that plate. Those are the plates I grew up with! Oh, it REALLY makes me want to see if my mom still has them in the attic somewhere... Also, I grew up with free range chickens... they were my pets and their eggs were wonderful. Thanks for bringing me back down memory lane!
ReplyDeleteI thought I recognized that plate.. We have one in the Cabinet. Gotta love oldies like that!