Friday, September 3

{Friday Photo Bliss}

Inspired by the SouleMama blog's {this moment}, I am posting one image every Friday, taken that week, that really makes me happy. If you end up doing the same I would love to see your photo linked in my comments!

I thought children were hard to photograph, but that was until I tried to take a photo of Maple (our newly adopted family member, on the right) and her brother Blaze (Maple's brother, adopted by my sister Heather). I posted this photo to show that sometimes a blurry badly-composed image can still be a keeper!  I used my Mocha B&W LightRoom Preset on this image and added the drop-shadow using my Web Drop Shadow action in Photoshop.

Thank you so much for all of your amazing naming suggestions my newest retouching action! I think I picked a winner and will be posting the action this weekend!!!


  1. This photo is wonderful! I need to remember to participate in Friday Photo. Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!

  2. I love it! You make a good point about blurry photos. I get discouraged when my subject isn't perfectly focused, but sometimes they turn out just beautiful! Here's my Photo Friday post for your enjoyment:

  3. I love it! I have so many photos that are less than perfect that still take center stage in my heart. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  4. So I just found CoffeeShop & I am in hog heaven! I absolutely love it. I use PSE7, have downloaded many actions but am struggling with how to actually use them. How do I do the brush tool to get the soft skin effect? I am stumped big time on this. Please help! Thanks-Hillary

  5. Sweet shot, Rita! I love the rich B&W conversion, nice job!

    I love the shot because it really capture the motion and energy of those pups!

  6. This picture absolutely captures a puppy’s essence in one frozen moment, beautifully done!!! And trust me I know how hard it is to take pictures of young pups… we rescued a pregnant Beagle who had 7 babies! Rita you are truly a sweetheart for all you share with us, thank you sweetie!!!

  7. There is so much wiggling, it can be tough. I think this one turned out just great. I'm feelin' the puppy love.

  8. I love all of your actions and the fact that you share them for free. It's a great service that your doing. I wanted to share with you how I used them recently. We went to a car show this weekend and I posted about it on my blog, Go by and check out how I used them on my photos. Again thank you, I've learned so much from you.

  9. Hello again Rita! I just commented on your July 16th post (my twin's 21st b-day!)

    I'm hoping that you and your precious family are feeling better, although I know it will be some time before you are all feeling 100%.

    Thanking you for today's splendid action Rita! It shall surely come in handy in my photographing our huge and diverse family!

    Rita, I have just started a new segment on my blog, "Friday at the Farmer's Market" and I am going to include you this Friday as I find myself frequenting photography sites more-and-more these days!

    Being a digital scrapbooking designer, I cannot help but feel that the better we are at taking the photos we preserve, the better our albums and/or photobooks will look!

    Thank you SO much for ALL that you do for ALL of us in helping to make our precious memories SHINE!

    Hope to find you relaxing this Labor Day sweet lady! ;)

    Hugs ...

  10. Oh my goodness. I love this photo and this idea! Unfortunately I'm barely disciplined enough to keep what few running themes I have on my blog going, not sure if I should dare commit myself to another project. ;) But I'll definitely be back here for more of yours!

  11. life in our modern friday bliss! i love your blog!! :)


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