Thursday, September 30

Blogger UnWrapped: Uploading Large Images on Blogger, UPDATED AGAIN!

I love Blogger as you know.  However, it has always bugged me that you could not load custom-sized or large images through Blogger unless you tweaked the code as seen in this older post.  Honestly, it was a PITA.

However, Blogger finally listened to me ;-) and made it right! 

To post large images, you can resize your image to the final size you want to post (make it easy and use one of my free web actions; Web Frame It, Web Color Block It, Web Drop Shadow or Web Rounded Corners) and then upload it through Blogger's new uploader.

Then click on Original size as seen in the screenshot

And presto, your original-sized image will be posted!

There might be times you want to post a custom sized image that is smaller than your original uploaded image. Or you uploaded a huge image that will not fit on your blog.  This is an easy tweak. Upload your image, click on Original size, and then add width="xxx" in the code as seen below.  This is the final width of your image (600px wide for my blog).

Now my posted image is 350px wide.  :-)

So easy and about time!


  1. YESSSSSSSSSSSS I can saw it yesterday !! when I was doing my post.

  2. have you tried windows Live Writer? You can get it as a free download and it makes blogging for me a breeze. it imports all your stuff and you ca really customize a lot easier, all the things with your photos: borders, watermarks, SIZE, hyperlinks, etc. I will never make another post in blogger itself.

  3. when i tried it it cut my picture off. i'm not sure how to fix i just went back to extra large....has anyone else had this problem??

  4. Cindy, your image is too large for your blog! Just adjust the width as I suggested at the bottom of the post or upload images that are resized to fit your post space. :-)

    Paula, I have heard great things about Windows Live Writer and I need to check it out!

  5. That makes it really easy, but wouldn't you eventually run out of room through your blogger account? Either way, much easier. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm confused why I don't have this new uploader as an option. When I click on the little picture to add images the old uploader pops up. Any ideas?

  7. Rachel, just go to Settings, Global Settings, Select Post Editor, Updated Editor and it should work. :-)

  8. Yay! Thanks for the tip. I've been editing the HTML for each one.

  9. THANK YOU!!! :) I am so beyond excited about using this on my photography blog! I was always curious about how people got their blog pictures so big, and I didnt know how to do all the coding! This is SO simple! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. I don't know how to do this before I read your post, so I just made the length of my posting space wider to accommodate those XL-sized pics. I do use your "web frame it" action a lot. Thanks!

  11. I also don't have the new uploader. I checked and I also don't have a Global Settings under my main Settings in my control panel/dashboard. Confused...

  12. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!! I love you! I haven't checked your blog in a while and have been using your old method to post large images (which I was still thankful for, by the way). But this is a thousand times quicker and it seems that maybe the quality of the image is finally preserved better, as well. Thank you, thank you!

  13. This is truly a godsend! Rita, YOU ROCK. In so many ways.

  14. bye, bye photobucket! I have have been loving this new feature! Have used it for a bit now...and makes posting SO much easier. Dare I say, I might actually like writing! on my blog now.

  15. Hi Rita! I tried following your directions you gave another commenter on how to create the option on your blog to "upload original size" of my pictures. I went under Settings, but then I do not have the option "Global Settings." Help? Thank you!!

  16. I'm not seeing a new photo uploader anywhere, where is it?

  17. So blogger changed again and I am having hard time on finding a way to post larger photos. I cannot find the x-large option anymore. Please help.


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