Sunday, August 15

CoffeeShop Skin Redness Relief Action and UnWrapped Tutorial!

Here is my newest free retouching action, CoffeeShop Redness Relief.  This is a very simple action
 that will allow you to remove unwanted reddish tints from skintones.  It is completely customizable and runs in both PSE and Photoshop.  This will also be in the new version of Perfect Portrait.  :-) You can find the download links at the bottom of this post.

CoffeeShop Redness Relief Action Instructions:

To use the action, open your portrait.  Then run Redness Relief.

Click to select the black layer mask and use a white low opacity brush (50% or so) on normal mode and paint over red skin. 

1.  Make sure your foreground color is white.
2.  Select a soft brush.
3.  Make sure your brush Mode is set to Normal.
4.  Adjust opacity to taste.  I usually start with 50%.

There is a great way to make sure you are removing all of the red from the skin.  Simply Shift-Alt-left click on your black layer mask and your entire image will look red.  Wherever you paint on the skin with your white brush it will remove the red "mask", and in this case be removing the red tint from the skin.  To read more about layer masks, please go read this post.

In the image below I haven't painted on the skin yet.  Imp looks a bit devilish!

Start painting on the image with the soft white brush. Wherever you paint, the red mask on your image will be removed and you will be actually removing redness from the skin!  You can see I did a pretty good job selecting the skin.  Well, I did miss some, but I wanted to keep it real.  Hee hee! 

Now Imp looks like Raggedy Andy.  I wonder if he is going to get me back when he gets older...  ;-)

Shift-Alt-left click on the black layer mask again and the red mask will be gone and you can see that the skin is not red anymore!  Adjust the Redness Relief layer's opacity to taste.

Here is another example.

CoffeeShop Redness Relief Action UnWrapped Tutorial!

This tutorial will only work in Photoshop, not Photoshop Elements, because it uses the Channel Mixer.  I can write an action with Channel Mixer that will run in PSE, but PSE users can't use this method unless they run the action.

1.  Open your image.

2.  Add a Channel Mixer adjustment layer.  Put in these settings:
Output Setting:  Red, Red = 100%
Output Setting:  Green, Red = 30%, Green = 70%
Output Setting:  Blue, Red = 30%, Green = 3%, Blue = 67%

3.  Make your layer mask black and paint over the skin with a low opacity white brush.  Adjust brush and layer opacity to taste.

Download the free CoffeeShop Redness Relief Action HERE!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. you're amazing....thanks Rita!!!!

  2. Besides getting free actions,
    I LEARN so much from your
    tutorials and
    LEARN again when I run the
    actions and just play.
    Thank you so much (again).

  3. Thank you for sharing your wonderful actions! I am learning so much!

  4. This action is AWE SOME!!!!!
    Thank you....
    I just had a new grand baby and I am having so much fun with this action.
    Thank you again. I appreciate your tutorials and ALL your actions.

  5. Great action. I am going to try and figure out how to make an action to remove green from a bunch of photos I took this summer.

    Maybe you could help me out on how to do this sometime. Thanks for all the wonderful actions you share with us.

  6. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I am VERY excited about this. I am constantly in the "Battle of the Skin tone" during editing...babies can be so red and blotchy. I am super exicted. Thank you so much for everything!

  7. Thank You so much for this Rita! Us PSE users are very grateful!

  8. OMG are genius! You could not have times this any better...I have a sweet angel face that has splotchy skin.

    Problem Solved!

  9. Rita thanks so much for sharing so many wonderful actions! I use your actions all the time! :)

  10. Rita thanks so much for sharing your actions! I use them all the time. They are real time savers and make my photos look amazing! :) You are the best!

  11. Works like charm. I am learning so much here. Thanks Rita.

  12. Thank you so much! I have referred so many people to your wondeful site!

  13. You are so amazing and have made my life so easier. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  14. Can anyone tell me what mode for the brush in elements 10 - There is no Normal mode in the drop down menu??

  15. Utah Girl, the normal brush is there, it is probably above the brush you are using, not below.


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