Saturday, August 14

Amanda's Giveaway Winners!!!

I am going to announce the winners of Amanda's giveaway picked by

 Drumroll please!!!

Jen of Yes, Virginia wins a spot in one of Amanda's Everyday Elements Online Workshops.

Aubrie of Aubrie Benson Photography wins one of Amanda's action sets, either Deep Clean or the Artistic set.

Girls, please email me at for information on how to get your prizes!

And don't forgot to check out all of Amanda's free actions, and her website Photography Haven for even more freebies. And for a limited time all CoffeeShop readers get $5 off when they use the coupon code "coffeeshop".  This coupon can be used for any of the Photoshop Elements classes and you can use it for more than one class.

If you have Photoshop Elements sitting on your computer but you are scared to use it, now would be a great time to not only support a small mom-owned business, but learn how to edit.  Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 is not only a very powerful editing program with many of the same functions of its big expensive sis CS5, it is also very user friendly.  It even has RAW batch editing. 

Amanda even has a workshop called "All about Actions".  If you want to use actions but don't know where to start, this would be a great investment.  :-)


  1. Congrats winners! Enjoy your goodies!!!

  2. Congratulation to both of you will love Amanda's workshops and actions! :)


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