Sunday, August 22

CoffeeShop ButterCream B&W Action and UnWrapped Tutorial!

I really want to write more B&W tutorials and actions, and here is my newest creation, CoffeeShop ButterCream B&W. My husband actually picked this name out for me when he found me staring at my computer with complete naming frustration. I am completely out of names! 

I love this tinted B&W. It looks amazing on portraits, still lifes and even landscapes. And best of all, it is really easy to achieve without the action

CoffeeShop ButterCream B&W Action UnWrapped Tutorial:

1. Open your image.
2. Add a Gradient Map adjustment layer, black to white. This will turn your image B&W.
3. Add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and put the Brightness at 10 and the Contrast at 30.
4. Add a Gradient Map adjustment layer, dark brown (5d4c3b) to tan (edd1ad) and make the bottom location 90%. Dial the opacity of this layer 35%. This is your ButterCream tint layer.
5. Adjust layers to taste and use layer masks where needed.

Download the free CoffeeShop ButterCream B&W Photoshop and PSE action HERE!

Want all of my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one simple download AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures. For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful action!

  2. Love actions! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh,I LOVE this one! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful actions! I use them all the time!

  4. I can't wait to try out this action! Wow, Rita, I can't tell you how much I'm loving the after effect... The tones are creamy and dreamy and I just love it!! As always, you do an awesome job and thanks so much for sharing your talent. :-)

  5. This action is SO pretty! I love it! :)

  6. Awesome, Rita! Can't wait to try it out. I love your B&W actions!

  7. WOW! I am in love with this action. Actually I will take your step by step and do it that way. Love digging into new things and learning how they work. Thank you!!!

  8. Looks as beautiful as its "name". :) Can't wait to try it out!
    Thank you.

  9. I just wanted to say we must be on the same wavelength. I came up with a very similar "action" in GIMP just 2 weeks ago. LOL.

    I'm off to try this on out and see what I get. Thanks for taking the time to post tutorials.


  10. i love your website! thank you for the freebies and giveaways! also i've finally figured out how to load actions to elements, thanks to your detailed instructions. thanks, you're awesome :)

  11. Thank you so much for these awesome free actions! They make me a better photographer! :)

  12. For some reason I download this one, but there is nothing in the file?

  13. Love your site - you are so generous with your talent and time. I liked the "unwrapped" tutorial, you taught me something today as I haven't used adjustment layers before. Thank you!


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