Saturday, June 12

Time for some blog love!

There are so many generous and talented bloggers out there who have amazing photography/photoshopping freebies on their blogs/websites.  I found a new (to me) one that I wanted to share with you today.  Please go check out Isabelle Lafrance's website.  Not only is she an amazing photographer but she has quite a list of freebies which include textures, Photoshop Actions and LightRoom Presets!  They look amazing.  She also sells some really affordable actions and presets.  I haven't tried any of these (I never buy actions since I am an action designer myself) but they look really nice.  I am all about supporting small businesses so please check Isabelle's website out and tell her you found her at the CoffeeShop!

I have a section with buttons to many of my favorite freebie sites at the bottom of my blog.  Please check them out!  If you are a blogger with freebies or have a link to a great freebie site, please comment about it in this post.  I am always looking out for great new actions and tutorials to blog about or talented guest bloggers for CoffeeShop!


  1. Ooh, those are pretty! Thanks for sharing the link. I downloaded her actions and I'm subscribing to her blog. :)

  2. They are stunning, thank you so much for sharing with us. I have downloaded some to try. Can't wait.

    Jen ~ Muddy Boot Dreams

  3. I love Isabelle's freebies! I post free actions, presets, textures, brushes, etc. on my Twitter account every day. So check it out if you would like to find some more free goodies. :)

  4. Thanks Rita for sharing the link to Isabelle's place. Lovely! I'm sharing link love to you both on my place today. :)

  5. Thank you so much Rita! I just came home after taking the day off and found a lot of blog and FB love! Thank you, I appreciate it. I have to say that your b&w LR presets are still my all time faves :)


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