Friday, June 18

{Friday Photo Bliss}

Inspired by the SouleMama blog's {this moment}, I am posting one image every Friday, taken that week, that really makes me happy. If you end up doing the same I would love to see your photo linked in my comments!

It is hay baling time at our house.  We line up our lawnchairs, grab a cool drink and our sunglasses, and enjoy the show.   I used my newest Photoshop/Photoshop action on this image, CoffeeShop Magic Sunset, coming out soon!


  1. I'm always fascinated watching farmers work....guess it comes from years ago when I would watch my grandfather tend his farm. He didn't have the big equipment ~ a couple of old John Deere tractors and attachments...but he took care of quite a few acres with what he had. Wonderful the processing.

    My moment today...a view of the Chesapeake Bay from the Virginia side. I was in the backyard at a graduation party I was attending.

  2. Awesome image of hay baling bliss, Rita!

    Hurry Magic Sunset!


  3. Oh, I just love that picture! They're haying all around us lately, so lots of John Deere's running around. I love the way you edited it.

    Here's my photo bliss:

  4. oooh, magic sunset! can;t wait! I always wanted to see this process of bailing hay!

    Our moment, for fathers day weekend..

  5. Here is Austin being silly. I shot this sweet moment while taking Melissa & Brandon's engagement photos on Wednesday (6/15/10). This picture captures the essence of my precocious 7 yr. old in a nutshell. He's quite a character and he makes his mama smile!

  6. I forgot to say that I can't wait to check out your Magic Sunset! I love your PSE actions & use them everyday. Thank you so much for all of your hard work! Thank you also for helping us beginners! :) Have a great weekend!

  7. I love your actions and can't wait for the sunset action! Thanks so much.

  8. We're haying tomorrow and just about past time! It's been raining, just about every day and our hay needs cutting in the worst possible way.
    BTW, thank you so much for your instructions on how to copy ones' blog. I managed to do that last week and am grateful to you.

  9. This is so beautiful! I'm so impressed that you find the time to do all that you do. Looking forward to the Magic Sunset action. Happy Summer Solstice! :)


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