Dreaming of Black and White Action Set by Johnna LaFaith
If you haven't visited Johnna's blog in a while, please head over there right now. I visit all of the time
to read her posts and check out her amazing photography. But she also has some beautiful free textures and actions! Here is a vintage action set you will want to check out. Her Dreaming of Black and White action set is simply perfect and you must go over there and download it right away. And please leave a comment thanking her if you have a chance!
Here is a boring before photo. Why don't we play with this in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.
Here is the same photo with Johnna's Vision of Sugarplums action run on it, with no adjustments of the layers. Lovely!
Now I want to even go a step further and add a ShadowHouse Creation Texture. I used the Aged 2 texture for this after seen below. I know I mention this all of the time, but Jerry has the most amazing collection of absolutely free textures on his blog. Please go check his blog out and if you can leave comments telling him how much you appreciate his hard work! I think he is a Photoshop Angel. :-)
So I ran the Vision of Sugarplum action and set the Gradient Map 1 adjustment layer to 66% opacity to bring back some of the original color. I then added the Aged 2 texture on top and put it in Overlay blending mode (100%) and copied that layer and changed it to Linear Light (25% opacity). I love this after!!!
This is a great way to demonstrate how you can combine actions and textures to get an amazing effect. I am constantly amazed by all of the free actions and textures out there. And a special thanks to Johnna and Jerry for these links and freebies and allowing me to write this little tutorial!!!
Happy Sunday everyone.
For complete info on installing actions, click here!
Jerry IS an absolute angel.
ReplyDeleteAs are YOU!!!
Between the two of you, you make me look good ;)
I don't know how I missed that Johnna has a site! duh = me. Love her sunshine action. Love!!!
AWESOME!!! I love it. I have continually used Jerry's textures too and I owe you guys so much for helping my pictures sing! :)
ReplyDeleteIs it me, or are the links not working?
ReplyDeleteI love the actions that you create and/or bring to us. Thanks once again. hootnonny
Love your site!!!
ReplyDeleteAww, thanks for this post... I saw Jerry's aged textures today and downloaded this same one... I cannot wait to use it :)
Amazing actions and textures!!! It'a wonderful what we can do with what someone else creats.
ReplyDeleteThe actions along with the texture create depth and interest that are so beautiful. I love what they add to the photo! Thanks again for sharing and introducing me to another great site!
ReplyDeleteJerry has already inspired me to use the texture photos I'd already been taking for my interior design work and sharing them on flickr has made everything fun and inspiring for me as well.
Awesome!! Her actions are wonderful! Thanks for sharing the tutorial with us also.
ReplyDeleteGORGEOUS! I love the finished picture! I'm going to go check out these wonderful actions and textures.
ReplyDeleteRita, I'm learning how to use photoshop and I was able to follow you right up to the point when you copied the texture layer. I couldn't figure out how to copy it so that I could apply the linear light. Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful. Thank you!