Friday, May 28

{Friday Photo Bliss}

Inspired by the SouleMama blog's {this moment}, I am posting one image every Friday, taken that week, that really makes me happy.  If you end up doing the same I would love to see your photo linked in my comments!  I used my favorite Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens for this photo.

I am taking fewer personal photos these days because I was getting overwhelmed by the amount of images I had to edit and trying to choose my favorites. Remember the days of film when you took some photos, had them developed, stuck them in your photo album and you were done? I must be getting old because I am starting to be really annoyed by some technology.  Don't even get me started on texting and I-Pads and Facebooking those annoying quizes that tell you what cartoon character you most resemble... ;-)

My goal now is to simply enjoy the moments, and if I get a decent snapshot every once in a while, that is icing on the cake.  And with fewer photos I can enjoy editing them once again and perhaps even start getting them printed and in albums so my kids can enjoy them.  :-)

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!


  1. How funny! I was thinking about doing this too! Posted one on my blog a few minutes ago:

  2. I love this photo! I have always enjoyed the photos of your boys ~ love how they have so much emotion in their expressions. :)

    My moment...

  3. It's a beautiful photo! I can totally relate to your frustration with facebook's quizzes & apps. Did you know that you can filter them, so you don't have to look at either invites or the posts your friends make about them? Each time you get an invite, choose "block application" from under the invite. Then, on your feed, when you see a quiz or app post, click on "hide" - it's there on the right as you mouse-over the post. It takes a week or two to really start noticing the results, but once I started doing this consistently I spent a great deal less time on facebook, wading through all the silly stuff, and can more easily keep up with the things my friends are posting about their lives - which is why I'm on there in the first place! Good luck!

  4. When overloaded because of tasks that don't make me feel thrilled, is when I don't exactly love photography. Otherwise, I LOVE it.
    And I love your photography.

  5. Love the picture....have you ever thought of putting all your actions, presets, tutorials into a book??? Some-what of a how to book for all that you have written and blogged--or a reference book, so all of your followers do not have to go back and forth between the program they are using and your directions on how to do a technique. I know I would buy one!!

  6. So sweet!

    My Moment

  7. I just found your blog last night and subscribed- (dont remember how I got here...) and youre already inspiring me! I have been REALLY lax on the photo taking lately. Im bummed I dont have a camera I love (and cant afford one right now) and have let that get e in a funk. Im going to pic up my camera right now and take some pics of my awesome kids!

  8. beautiful picture.

    I just found your blog this week. I'm looking forward to learning more about your PSE Actions.

    I just moved from film a little over a year ago. I think digital, while making photography more accessible, has taken something away from how precious one image can be. Don't know if that sounds right. I miss film, am starting to enjoy working with digital images, but I don't feel like people value capturing a special moment as much as they used to.

  9. A couple of years ago I finally went through the hundreds of pictures of my kids from birth on and then of my grandkids. I picked the ones that appealed to me the most, scanned them in, and made albums. Now I'm trying to keep up with the pictures on a regular basis and do an album every year. Of course, now I'm retired and have time to do this stuff. Love it!

    Love your photo - these are so precious and so much fun to look at as years go by. The good news about digital? They won't fade, change color and crack like the printed from film photos. Just back 'em up!

  10. Ah, enjoy the moments, indeed. This is a precious one. :)

  11. I was just thinking that today... I have WAY too many pictures & I am overwhelmed by them! I figure once my kids get big, maybe I'll actually sort, edit, etc.

  12. I am totally with you! I had a baby two years ago and have taken pictures of her almost every day of her life. Do you think I have the time to edit ALL those shots? Heck no! But I can't stop shooting. Now what I do is I erase in camera all the shots I don't simply ADORE :-) When I edit, I try to imagine what I want the image to look like and just go there, instead of playing around on Photoshop too long.

  13. LOVE the idea! I have started it too! Check my blog entry at:

  14. Yes I can absolutely feel your pain when it comes to having too many photos and it becomes over whelming to think, "OMG, I have to edit all these, or tweak those, or...." It has been too easy for me to take 50 shots in 5 mins, only to erase half of them. Oh, and your boys are cute! Jeff

  15. My photographer friend sent me your blog this afternoon....

    I've just spend the last 3 hours there!!!

    Thank you for all your fun actions, tutorials, and 'stuff'

    You have an awesome blog and I am now a FAN forever!

    Thanks again.....

    Oh yeah - and I love all the photos of your boys...they are so cute!

  16. I hear you about taking less pictures. My family will say "want to get a picture of this?" and I'm like "no, not really." LOL But, I do like to capture the small moments, as those represent our life more.

  17. I have been feeling the same thing! I had so many photos and instead of just enjoying them for what they were, moments on time of my kids lives, I was feeling overwhelmed that I needed to edit them all. Last week I decided to take less shots so I wouldn't get so overwhelmed and then feel guilty that I'd done nothing with them. I've been trying to take and edit at least one a week. My most recent the last of the 3 shots. I even used one of your actions, the Soft Autumn Glow.

  18. I read your blog every day. I LOVE your new {Friday Photo Bliss} addition. This pic is so sweet.

  19. This is an AMAZING picture! What a special moment to capture!


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