Sunday, March 7

Blogger UnWrapped: Gadget Goldmine!


  1. Rita, I don't have this tab on my blog. Mine just has posting, settings, template and monetize.
    Any tips to get the layout tab?
    I know my blog is dull, lost the header and haven't been able to get it back!

  2. Luvtknpics, click on Add a Gadget on Page Elements and then you will see those tabs!

    Your header is gone? What happened??? Rita

  3. IDK, probably something i did! I'm going to try and read how to and make me a new one.

  4. Ok, from what I have read I have a classic template and want have the add a gadget part!ugh

  5. About those layer masks, are they for PSE too? I've looked at a lot of his textures and tried to download some but they only come up in PSE as a very small box.

  6. Please post a tutorial on horizontal menu bars. I saw on flicker you figured out how to do with pages. I want one and I can't figure it out!!! HELP!


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