Friday, January 8

A Woman Blogger To Watch?

Now, on a more personal note... Wow, I just found out I was listed as one of the top 101 "Women Bloggers to Watch" in We Magazine for Women!!! I am very honored and thrilled to be a part of that list, and excited to check out all of the other woman blogger on there. Thanks, my amazing blog readers. I have said it before but it needs to be said again, if you were not over here reading my usually boring but sometimes useful posts I wouldn't have this amazing creative outlet. :-) 

 Everyone is slowly recovering from our winter ick. If we are able to skip the secondary infections, we hope to get out of the house sometime this weekend, if only to go out for breakfast. Today I was so desperate to get out that I bundled the boys up, put them in the car, drove thought the library drive-through window to pick up some books I had requested(I LOVE my library) and then took a 1.5 hour driving tour of our area. We visited the beautiful area parks (it is in the 20's, but the car was warm and toasty) and even drove down mysterious (to us) country roads. We live outside of town, and many of the roads were twisty and slightly hilly, and we saw everything from small vintage trailer parks to 100+acre ranches with huge houses; one that even resembled the Overlook hotel from The Shining. Inside I was going "woooooow", but I tried to hide my awe and perhaps a tiny bit of jealousy ;-) from the boys, so I asked Duke if he would like vacuuming that huge house, not to mention that his toys would probably get lost in all that space! It was nice to get out, and going on a driving tour kept the boys out of the cold and from spreading their viruses, yet still allowed them to escape from the house for a short while.


  1. I must agree....Jerry at Shadowhouse Creations has some amazing stuff. I don't think I have every thanked you for "introducing" him to me some time back. :) I have been a faithful follower of his blog since then and love all his freebies!!

    Glad to hear you and yours are feeling better as well. Here is hope you get your breakfast out this weekend. :)

  2. I love Jerry's stuff. I experimented with one of his textures yesterday and a suggestion from Pioneer Woman about grain and got this shot of my baby girl (ok, not so baby anymore).

    I hope the family is well on its way to mending.

    Take care!

  3. Congrats on your mention in the magazine! I've loved your blog since I found it, and started following!

  4. Congratulations on being recognized! I love your blog and am inspired to try all kinds of new things with my mediocre shots!!!

  5. Congrats on the well deserved Rita!

  6. I discovered your blog several months ago, and you have helped me in more ways than I can express. My photos have definitely gone to the next level and I am so grateful to you!!!! Thanks again and congratulations on your recognition in the magazine. It is well deserved. Hope your little ones are feeling better. I loved your driving tour, btw...

  7. Rita, that's awesome that you made the 101 list! Congratulations!

  8. Thats so great you made the list. I agree I love his stuff.

    If you are looking for more LR presets I have a free set of 18 B&W ones available on my blog

  9. Congratulations, Rita!

    You know what I would love, love, love? Is if someone with both Lightroom & ACR would consider converting some of the more interesting LR presets out there into ACR presets. You need to have both to do it! I've found instructions in several places, but I don't own LR. There are some amazing-looking free LR presets on flickr, and I can't take advantage of them!

    BTW, Raceytay has some wonderful free presets for both ACR and LR at

  10. Congrats, Rita! I LOVE your actions and used to love chatting with you on Flickr (I haven't been on there in ages). I started my business and started a blog and made sure to put a link to yours because you are so awesome. ;-)

  11. That's great ~and very deserving~ that you were included in that fabulous line-up of women to watch!
    What is more honorable is that you're able to offer such wonderful and helpful items while still taking care of your boys...and editing a years worth of pictures! Congrats!

  12. I just discovered your blog after doing a google search on creating layer masks with elements 5. I am excited to brew a big pot of coffee and settle in for a few hours to explore your site. Thank you for creating and sharing it. Congrats on the honor of making the 101 list!


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