Tuesday, October 13

CoffeeShop Web Drop Shadow PS/PSE Action!

Here is another one of my actions that will hopefully make your blogging/website photo-posting easy! This action crops your image to fit on your site, sharpens for the web, and even adds a drop shadow effect. The download includes the Photoshop and Photoshop Elements action and full instructions.

Download the free CoffeeShop Web Drop Shadow PS/PSE Action HERE.

Preview of new vintage action coming out in a day or two(I need naming help!):

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. Love the action! I think you should call it "Blush".

  2. You've got some lovely actions. Thanks a lot! Looking forward for the latest one.

  3. Can anyone tell me where I can download PSE 7? All I found was PSE 8 on adobe's website!! I would REALLY appreciate it so I can download these awesome tools!!

  4. Soft & Sentimental, Classic Sentiment, Sweet Nostalgia

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Oct. 14, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. Thanks for the new action. I am trying to get a web page together for my husband's farm but I get frustrated because it doesn't look as good as my scrapbook pages. I can't wait to try this new action out. Maybe a drop shadow would make me happier with my efforts and I could finally get his page finished. Does your action add a little pink with a vintage effect? (Sorry I'm not very knowledgeable about actions, I just like to use them.) If so, how about Pretty In Pink, Antique Pink, Bygone Blush, A Blushing Past, Rose Colored Glasses, Old Fashioned Rose, or Yesterday's Blush. Hope this helps.

  7. Beautiful action. My first thought was "Rosy Glow".

  8. rita! soo awesome. love the drop shadow AND the vintage action.... i like what tasha said for the name... "blush". perfect.

    keep up all your fabulous work.

  9. I just have to say that I LOVE your blog! Thanks for all the things you put together for all of us!

    That action reminds me of "cotton candy"! Love it!

  10. Thank you for the action.

    As to your newest action, how about:
    Rose Colored Glasses
    Vintage Mauve

  11. You are so amazing...I want to be like you!

  12. How about "Vintage Rose"? Thanks so much for the drop shadow action...I can definitely use this one!.

  13. how about vintage bliss

  14. Thank you so much for your actions! I love what one of the other girls said, Blush fits perfectly..:)Love your actions!

  15. Tickled Pink Vintage perhaps for a name

  16. I am so excited for your vintage action! You are amazing as always -- btw, I use your perfect portrait on almost every picture I edit for clients. It is PERFECt. THanks!!!

  17. I've been to your blog tons and use your actions. Thank you SO much! I truly appreciate all the work that you put into making these actions available and the blog. I've been able to use your blog to find out so much about textures (where to get them) and tools and all kinds of great stuff! Keep up the great work! And look forward to the new vintage action.

  18. Thanks Rita for your amazing actions. What about strawberry kisses, strawberry vintage,strawberry milkshake?

  19. My thoughts were something with "shine" or "glow" in the name. Very beautiful!

  20. Since it's breast cancer awareness month, perhaps "pink ribbon"? :) Just dropping by to say once again how much I love your actions. I've just starting to use the S-Curve action and it's a new favorite.

  21. I think you should called it "Tickled Pink".

  22. I'm trying to figure out how to use your action. I have an image saved as a jpeg.

    I open it in PSE8 full edit. Double click on the action, enter the width and enter. It resizes but that's it.

    It doesn't add the dropshadow layer at all.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful tools.

  23. OMGosh, I can't wait to run this action as I prepare my blog post images!

    Thanks SO much Rita. You are TRULY a genius!


  24. so wonderful!! I just found your blog and found this action and am in love! THankyou!

  25. very nice post. thank you very much for helping me to learn Photoshop


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