Tuesday, July 21

CoffeeShop Baby Boy Announcements!

I promised I would be coming out with a boy version (check out the girly ones HERE) and here they are! There are 5 different patterns with an optional paper texture layer. These are .psd files which you open in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements and use my clipping mask tutorial to fit the images in the cutouts. Hope you enjoy them!

Download the free CoffeeShop Baby Boy templates HERE!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 6 post on Jul. 22, 2009. Thanks again.

  2. Hi! I stumbled upon your blog about a month ago and thought I died and went to heaven!!! I'm so excited that you offer all if this FREE stuff! I'm a new user to PSE and have been looking for ways to make my pictures look "professional" for my hobby of taking pictures of my 5 kids.
    Anyway, my computer broke so I've only been able to try out one action (I LOVED IT), but I'm dying to get a new one so I can get going on some more. So here's my question...I've been told that a MAC is the way to go...BUT I'm only getting one if your actions etc. will work in a mac. Seriously, I know that's prob a really dumb question, but that's how new I am to all this. I did see that you had a link for downloading PSE on a Mac, so I'm assuming all is well with a mac. Just want to make sure though. Thanks a million. Seriously.

  3. I guess my real question is: will I be able to do the tutorials on a mac too? I will be in the dark without a tutorial. Thanks for this wonderful site! :)

  4. Rita, you are so awesome! These are great! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  5. Very cute! Thanks so much!

  6. Rita, I just LOVE these "boy" and "girl" templates!! I just had a new little girl born last week to a friend and will use these right away for her! Thank you so much for sharing! Have a blessed day!

  7. Thank you for sharing! You are awesome!

  8. Thank you! With a grandson on the way, I can use this! :)

  9. Hi Rita
    I admire your work and have used some of your actions. Today I learned how to use clipping masks in PS, thanks to your storyboards and tutorials. It was so easy after reading your tutorial.
    Thanks alot for all your stuff.

  10. Hi Rita! :) I'm going to be surprising a friend by putting this together for her and I was wondering if there was any way to have them in 8x10?

  11. I am so in awe of you. I love your site & the fact you share w/all us who are almost illiterate is divine. You are a blessing!!!! Thank you thank you!


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