Luckily I discovered Our Blogger Templates . This site is great and full of free templates that all include horizontal menu bars and are completely customizable and idiot-proof. They provide tutorials on saving your old template, keeping your widgets when you install one of their templates, removing the blogger navigation bar, making money adding Adsense ads and other ads and affiliates, and great Photoblogs where you can post large images rather than be limited by the sizes Blogger sets. And every template is completely customizable from the colors, headers, columns, etc.
If I can design my own blog ANYONE can! Please check out this site, the people who run it are so incredibly generous.
And I never endorse political statements made on any blogs I link, I just visit these blogs for their editing/photography/blogging goodies!
I am posting the CoffeeShop Little Perk Action for download in the next day or two! I love this and use it all of the time after putting my RAWs through ACR. It gives them that extra boost of color, contrast, and sharpening without going overboard. Plus, like most of my actions, you just dial in the amount of "perk" you want!

couldn't get it to work for me. just got errors with every template.
ReplyDeleteJen, I have had a few issues with a template or two, but either try again later or try another template. In my case it was a Blogger issue and the same template worked fine later.
ReplyDeleteYippee! I've been waittttiiiinnnggg. LOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Rita, I wanted to let you know that you are my Friday Feature today :) come check it out
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do!!! Ginger
Girl you ROCK!!!
ReplyDeleteI too have been having fits attempting to use one of there templates =(
ReplyDeleteI too have been having trouble using there templates..always get a error
ReplyDeleteThank You!! I too have been waiting (and checking your blog every day/few hours!) A couple questions... I noticed at the bottom of your blog it says your using photoblog II, but on the OurBlogTemplates website photoblog II doesn't have side bars like you have down the sides - theirs is on the bottom. How did you do that? I also am curious what sort of settings you are using to get your blog broken up into a main page - theme pages (ei. one page for templates - one for actions - etc...) and how on those pages you have only a photo and when the photo is clicked on it takes you to the posts individual page with text and comments. Do you mind sharing some more?? Thank you again so much for everything!!
ReplyDeleteIf you are having issues using the templates, just try the next day if you can. Or try another template. You can customize all of them, so it is easy to pick another.
ReplyDeleteOK, this template's identity is an issue. I was messing around with the template and delected the Our Blogger by-line. So I tried to put it back but couldn't remember which of the 10 or so templates I had downloaded I used! I do know it had 2 small columns on the left, and the right third column was larger. But somehow I ended up changed the coding to make the bigger column go into the middle (which I prefer). I will try to find the link.
I should write down things as I do them!
go to the site's homepage. There's a new workaround fix for the problem. My template installed fine! Now if I can just figure out how to do everything else! (New blogger; new blog; huge learning curve!)
ReplyDeleteThank You for the info! I would love to have a horizontal menu bar on my blog, but I'm a little confused how it works. I already downloaded a template from "Our Blogger." When I went to edit the "Linkbar" it's asking for a "new site URL," how do I find that? I have five main subjects, how do I get them to be avaliable through the menu bar?