Friday, November 28

Your Input Needed about CoffeeShop Pretty Portrait Action!

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great holiday weekend with your friends and family. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Tons of great food, spending time with loved ones, and absolutely no presents!!! Not to mention just taking time to be thankful for everything. :-)

I was hoping you could help me out in designing my CoffeeShop Pretty Portrait action. As you might know, this action will combine PowderRoom with other basic necessities like color pop, sharpening, vignettes, etc. In effect, a one-stop portrait action. I have already written one, but it only has one version of a soft color pop. Yesterday I started thinking that it would be really nice to combine CoffeeShop Vivid with its 4 color pop options with PowderRoom.

It would be great if you could comment in this post and let me know what you would like to see in CoffeeShop Pretty Portrait. Would it be nice to have several color pop options? And if I used Vivid, which color pops are your most used (soft, vivid, bright, urban)? I want to make this a practical portrait action and I would love your input. I also have to figure out if I added Vivid whether it will still work in PSE, or make it crash...

Thanks for your amazing comments and support. This blog has been so fun and I will be releasing tons of new things in the next weeks/months. I am going to rewrite PowderRoom to have the layer mask on the actual layers, plus I will add a teeth whitening layer (which will also be in Pretty Portrait thanks to an excellent suggestion from some of my readers!). I am going to also offer the eye enhancement, skin softening, and teeth whitening as separate actions for those of you that have asked for that. Plus the Attic Vintage action, the White Chocolate Action Set, and more papers and templates. Please keep on checking back because it is going to be a busy the next months at the CoffeeShop. And please tell all of your friends to come and visit and check out all of my goodies!



  1. I use your Powder Room action on almost every face I shoot. It's amazing! The eye brighten and define are definitely my favorite! I'd love to see a teeth whitening feature in your Portrait action, using the eye brightener definitely doesn't work on teeth!



  3. I think adding the Vivid action would be great, but at the same time you don't want to make the action too complicated/too many options.

    I haven't used the Vivid enough to comment on which one would be best to include.

    I like the teeth whitening idea as long as it doesn't make them look fake!

  4. I also use your powder room action on a majority of my face shots -- I love it! I agree that a teeth whitener would be very cool. I don't have any of your color pop's so I can't really comment, but it is always nice to have a couple of choices since every picture is so different from the next.

  5. Rita, Awesome work!! I love this blog so much. I don't know how you don't have a million readers by now! There are so few people offering quality freebies for PSE. I can't wait for this new action! Thanks :)

  6. I love Powder room but my girls are African American, I wonder if you could do a chocolate powder room or a sepia type that would work with their skin? I also use a ton of B&W, but also fyi I love the Glazes :)

  7. I am a huge powderroom fan, use it on almost every face!! I also love urban, it's my favorite of the vivid family, second would be vivid and I'm stoked to use the layer mask action with it now too!!

  8. I could copy and paste Kris-T's comment for my own, that's exactly what I came in here to tell you. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! I'm really excited about what's coming on your blog--you're spoiling me rotten and I LOVE it! Thank you!

  9. Can't wait to see what you come up with! I don't really have any suggestions...I would use it however it is done. I really like powder room, so if I already have that...would I just then use this? If I remember from the last time I used it...I haven't figured out the eye pop yet, or at least been able to see any difference when I do.

  10. In vivid, the option I use the most is Soft followed by Bright as a close second. I am a primarily a wedding photographer and most of my brides want to have a look that is them, at their best of course so I only Urban and Vivid for more artsy, special effect shots, not on the bulk. I would also love a teeth whitening option. Thanks for all you do!

  11. I too use your Powder Room action a lot! I love it! You do awesome work, I'm sure that whatever you come up with will be amazing!

  12. I your actions!! If I could choose I would ask for a more urban tone action. A good grungy photo is always FABULOUS!!

  13. Thanks everyone for your comments! As you can see I have rewritten PowderRoom (it will be out in a few days) with a teeth white layer (great suggestion and never would have thought of that on my own!). The Pretty Portrait will have my new PowderRoom and at least 2 color pop options (if I can make it work).

    If anyone is having problems figuring out how to get these actions to work, please ask questions at , we love to help you figure it out! Rita of CoffeeShop

  14. I love the powder room action - and I totally agree that teeth whitening and maybe a grunge option would be fabulous!!

  15. Hi! I have been trying to install actions for a week, and CANNOT find the appriate place to install them too! I really appreciate your blog and would love to try the actions! I am running PSE5 on WIndows XP. I am following the instructions for installing actions as listed for PSE5 here:

    My problem is that When I get to the "all Users" part of the pathway, there is NO such folder named "Application Data" inside of my all Users folder, so I have no where else to go to get deep enough to load in the actions I've downloaded. This is my last resort before giving up on it as I've frustrated myselkf into an oblivion for about a week. Any input from anyone would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!

  16. Hi! Nevermind, I finally figured it out, and am so releived! Apparently i needed to show my hidden files.



Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them them as soon as possible.