Thursday, October 9

It has been crazy busy at the CoffeeShop!

Sorry I have been so quiet here, but now I am a part-time WAHM; so after chasing after my little hellions all day I do some photo-editing in the evenings. That leaves me little time for blogging, editing my own family photos, AND reading those great books I keep getting from the library!

Thanks for all of your great comments on storyboards. I will pick one comment randomly and send that person an email. I have some new things in the works, so when I find the time (well, make the time) I will be posting some in the near future.



  1. I just wanted to tell you thank you! I have been searching for the skin smoothing action, and I found your Powder Room action and have had so much fun with it! I touched up a picture of my baby girl and my friends and i sat there and just stared at it! It is my favorite action ever! You are so talented. Thank you for sharing them for FREE! My friends and i visit your site often and appreciate your generosity.

  2. First, I found you on FLICKR...and second, your actions are A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! I just loaded them into PSE and they work great! Thanks for offering free actions!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them them as soon as possible.