Monday, September 15

Coming Soon - PS/PSE Free Actions for "Painted" Border Effects!

The newest action set, CoffeeShop "Painted Effect" Borders, will be posted here soon. There will be several different border actions included, and they will be fully customizable and will work both in PS and PSE.

Hope you guys are doing great and that those of you who live in Texas were able to get through Ike safely. That was one nasty storm and I am so saddened by how it almost destroyed Galveston Island and the Texas coastline... Keep safe everyone.



  1. Yeah - Rita!! Can't wait!!

  2. Ohhh! Love it can't wait! Did you use an action for the sepia print too?

  3. Hi! I love your blog. I am a Photoshop novice, but I'm sure trying to learn.

    I don't know if you're into the blogging games, but I have you an award over at my blog. Even if you're not into this kind of thing I just wanted you to have some credit and recognition for your hard work and contributions to photoshop novices everywhere! Thanks!!!!

  4. Rita. I had a question about your RRP Diapers. I wanted to use Microfleece on the outside but keep the pattern for your classic RRP diapers. so I could still use a pin and the diapers would be more trim. Could I do this and eliminate the need for a diaper cover? please let me know. You can post an entrie on my blog if you want. Thanks

  5. Really? Wow! I was just wondering how to do those...especially the really grungy looking ones. Thank you!


  6. Thanks for all you do for the "less talented" in the digi-scrapping world! :)

    Looking forward to your future posts!

  7. Rita thank you so much for your generosity. I love your actions and i'm looking forward to the border action. I can't wait!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them them as soon as possible.