Sunday, July 27

Coming Soon, More PSE Actions

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am rewriting my "classic" CoffeeShop actions (Creamy Toffee Latte and such) to work in PhotoShop Elements. They will be available for download in the next few days (hopefully).

Also, for those of you that have Elements 4 and 5, I will be adding a .psd icon file for your photo effect folder as apparently the .png file does not work in your programs. I will also include a copy of the action that does not include the notes or comments for those of you that don't want to read the instructions while running the action to save time. So the CoffeeShop Barista action folder you download will contain the .atn (action file), .png (icon for PS6), .psd (icon for PS4 and PS5), another .atn (action file) that does not include notes (and it will have matching .png and .psd icons) and an instructional PDF file on the actions. I will try to get this up in the next week.


  1. Awesome. I'm just learning how to use actions. You have a great resource here :)

  2. I am soooo excited about your actions!!! I was able to download the basic 4 but have been unable to get the other actions to download and work in Elements. Can't wait for your rewrites.

    Thanks so much for all of your work!

  3. Thank you so much for your generous efforts!! The Barista set works great, looking forward to your revision of others for elements.


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