Thursday, April 15

CoffeeShop "Goldsmith Butterflies" Painted Designs, Set #1!

NOTE: I forgot to add the download link yesterday but it is there now, toward the bottom of this post!

I love butterflies so I put together this set of painterly butterflies for you.  I found the original designs here and edited them in Photoshop and then ran a painterly filter on them. I will put together a second set next week.

They are all high resolution and come with free commercial terms-of-use. If you use them I would love to see your work on my CoffeeShop Facebook page!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for all the actions/presets and professional design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. mercxi pour ces superbes papillons

  2. euh...le lien ne fonctionne pas....

    1. Oh no, thank you for letting me know! It is fixed now! Rita

  3. Thank you - these are beautiful - as are all your freebies. Would love to have them but the link doesn't appear to be 'live'. Will check back later!

    1. Thank you so much Maddy! And thank you you so much for letting me know about the link, I forgot to add it! It is now up. Rita

  4. Thank you Rita for all the freebies and knowledge you share with others! Very much appreciated! Through your tutorials, I managed to understand masking! I trust that you and your family are doing much better after the accident etc. Kind regards!

    1. We are doing so much better, thank you so much! And I really appreciate your kind words. Masking is important and so useful! Rita

  5. Thank you so much for the freebie. Love it!

    1. I love reading that Kaye, thank you!!! Rita

  6. Thank you SO MUCH! These are fantastic!

    1. Thank you Olga, so happy you like them! Rita


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