Tuesday, July 13

CoffeeShop Color Pop LightRoom and ACR Preset!

I am so happy to be able to post a freebie today! If you have been following my blog
you know that my family and I have mono. We are all at the fatique part of the disease (which can apparently last for weeks to months) but we are over the fever, sore throat, headache part. I still have acute bronchitis and have lost my voice the last days. Bad for the boys because I haven't been able to read to them for weeks, but great for my husband who doesn't have to hear me complain! I tell you, the last few days he has been walking around with a smile on his face. ;-)

So I feel like a weak old woman...  I still can't work too long on the computer before I need to rest, but we actually spent an hour outside today in the backyard so we could get some sun and fresh air. We have been stuck inside for weeks... The boys got wonderfully muddy and I got a tiny bit of color on my face.

So things are going so much better. I have really missed playing around on Photoshop and LightRoom, so while the boys were napping I decided to work on a little freebie. I have at least 10 actions for Photoshop and PSE waiting to be finalized, but since I like to include tutorials with the actions I decided to release a  LightRoom and Photoshop ACR preset. Presets are so easy to write and incredibly easy to post as freebies since I only have two simple files to post. 

I love LightRoom. I still have LightRoom 2.7, but now you can buy Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Upgrade. I have heard it has great noise reduction ability, so I plan on upgrading one of these days. I usually skip a few versions before upgrading (I still have PSE6 and I didn't upgrade my Photoshop 7 until I purchased CS4), but LightRoom is a great program that I could not live without and it sounds like it might be worth checking out the newest version.

I use LightRoom for all of my basic color edits and some of my  B&W editing for my photo albums. 99% of the images I edit I only do a basic color pop or B&W treatment. I love artsy effects (as you know), but I prefer to do those in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements and on images I plan on hanging on the wall, using in cards/letters, or posting on the web.  I still prefer doing B&W conversions in Photoshop , but I also use my CoffeeShop CoffeeBar B&W Presets in LightRoom quite often.

There are what seems to be millions of free LightRoom presets out there but I hadn't found any great basic color/contrast pop preset that I liked, so I wrote my own. I wanted this preset to be useful in basic color editing when I want a subtle color/contrast boost. I didn't want drastic color shifts so the color boost is mild, and I wrote this preset so that it wouldn't bring out the red in skin or hair.

This preset was written to be run on RAW files (not jpgs) and will not set your white balance or exposure, so adjust that before running it.  I have had a few coughing fits as I sat here typing, so it is time to get this posted so I can go relax and get well.  :-)

I hope you enjoy using the CoffeeShop Color Pop LightRoom Preset! You can download the free LightRoom preset HERE and the free Photoshop ACR Preset HERE.

For details in loading presets in LightRoom and Photoshop ACR please go here.


  1. Thanks so much. My blog photos (amateur though they are) really need this! Very nice indeed.

  2. Thanks Rita!
    I'm glad you're over the worst. Here's hoping you get your energy and stamina back sooner rather than later :)

  3. Thanks so much! I love all your tutorials and support. I tried downloading the Lightroom preset and the file didn’t upload to Lightroom... Did anyone else mention a problem?

    I’ve done this before and never had a problem. Thank you!

  4. Leslie, I accidentally uploaded the ad rather than the lightroom preset to 4shared, so you might have grabbed it before I fixed it! Try downloading it again. Rita

  5. Thanks so much for this. You are fantastic to keep working while so sick. I had mono in college and did NOTHING. It was awful. Hope your voice comes back soon.

  6. Thanks Rita! I like this preset...not quite as explosive as some of the other pop presets I have seen ~ which is good. I just got Lightroom 3 not too long ago and really do like it. I have applied the noise reduction to a few photos and so far I'm impressed.

    Glad to hear you are getting better...I bet it has been rough with all of you sick at the same time.

  7. Thank you so much Rita! I asked and you have delivered. I can't wait to go and try it out. I hope you get back to your healthy self soon.

  8. Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list

  9. Please don't push yourself right now. We appreciate all you do and really hope that you have a speedy recovery! Mono can be very hard on adults and even harder trying to take care of a family. We're all praying for you!

  10. Thank you Rita! I will most certainly use this new preset! Hope you guys all feel better soon xoxo

  11. Hope you're all feeling better soon!
    Thank you for all your hard work.
    Just wanted to remind the MAC users to remove the .txt from the folder name after downloading to make the file usable.

  12. Hope you continue to feel better!!! Love your blog and all of your wonderful help. You are truly a blessing.

  13. Thank you. I can't wait to try it!

  14. Sorry to hear your not well my dear, hope all is well sooner than later.
    Drink lots of tea and honey, maybe a shot of bourbon after you put the wee ones to bed.

    Best wishes

  15. Hey I am trying to use some of these actions but can't seem to get them to work. Are they compatible with CS5?

  16. Hi Rita, thank you so much for these. Sorry to bother you when you are not well, (get better soon), the files for color pop and b/w coffee bar end up on my computer as xmp files, am I doing something wrong??

  17. Rita,
    Thank you so much for these!! You are so wonderful!

  18. Can't wait to see your tutorials! I run GIMP so that is the only way I can use your presets.

  19. Hi Rita-
    Thank you so much for all your tutorials and actions. I had a question and wasn't sure where to post it...Do you know if there is a way to run perfect porttrait on smart objects from acr? It doesnt work because there isnt a background layer, but i wondered if there was a way around it?
    thanks and hope you are on the mend1

  20. Thanks so much for this! This is exactly what I'm looking for. But I have a question... I typically shoot in jpeg. Is there a way to use it on jpegs?

  21. Thank you very much! I just found your blog the other day, you are so very talented!!!

  22. I would love to have this preset but it doesn't download into a file that I can use.


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