So what do you get as a sponsor? 1.) You will have a 150 x 150 button on my sidebar. 2.) I will post an introduction post about your company (provided by you) the first month you sign on, and if you continue sponsorship I will post about your new products/specials/etc. monthly on my blog and my Facebook CoffeeShop page (over 35,000 Likes). NOTE: These terms can be subject to change without notice.
I am trying to keep my ad space limited so your ad won't get lost. :-)
Right now I have some ad space spots available, please email me for price details (ad space pricing subject to change without notice). I bill monthly by paypal or credit card but ask for you to pay the first two months upfront. Rates are not guaranteed for future months but you can cancel at any time after the first two months. If you would like to “lock-in” at the current rate, I will accept prepayment for additional months.
If you would like to advertised on my blog please contact me at and we will discuss the details. Thank you for considering my blog! I want to continue to provide a free resource for moms, photographers and graphic designers and you help make it possible.
Online Articles about The CoffeeShop Blog:
The Graphic's Fairy Intro to Rita of CoffeeShop
how Rita’s CoffeeShop blog turns your pictures into poems
Infinite Skills Blog
The Top Five: The Best Online Resources to Get Better Photos From Around the Country for Momtographers and Beyond
Viki Reed: Make Those Photos Pay, Baby