Saturday, February 19

Happy Saturday! Playing With My Canon RP.

It is Saturday and a gorgeous morning. The boys are working on school (we take Sunday/Monday off) but I hope to get in a walk today. After lunch we are headed to my parent's house so the boys can drive my dad out to his land while I visit with mom. My dad has a wildlife-exemption on his property, so the boys help him collect the cards from his cameras out there. It is really fun to see what he has captured. Usually it is squirrels, deer, wild hogs, and raccoons. But occasionally we see a bobcat.

This photo of my guys was shot with my iPhone last week. I was going through my images and trying to delete ones I don't want to keep and I just loved this photo so much I had to share it. Look how tall Isaac is  now! He is still growing (he is only 14) so I expect him to shoot up a few more inches. Like his brother he is all skinny legs right now. 

Hoover's tongue hanging out, just too cute. He actually likes to pose for photos as long as he is standing with someone. I love this dog so much, he is such a good boy.

I spent quite a bit of time setting up my new Canon RP yesterday, so I didn't have much time to shoot anything. However, I wanted to post a few snapshots. These were shot as JPGs and uploaded here in small resolution. 

I tried the special macro function on this shell using the kit lens (shoot in manual and you can go as close as 1 inch to your subject).  it is center-focusing so everything else is blurred, but I like the effect. 

This kit zoom lens actually shoots great macro images zoomed completely out. I tested it on some weeds and one flower (hard to find many flowers outside this time of year) and I was impressed. 

Luke asked me why I was taking photos of weeds. I actually like weeds as long as they aren't in my yard.

I ended up mostly shooting in Program mode, just so I could get used to using this camera. Pretty sky photo. When I zoomed in I was impressed with the resolution. I had taken the same photo with my iPhone and obviously there was a huge difference. 

I really love how my JPGs in the RP weren't getting blown-out in the highlights like my iPhone. 

It was really windy yesterday afternoon so it was difficult photographing this tiny flower waving in the wind, but I am happy how it turned out. 

Isaac told me not to eat the flower or the plant attached to it as they are poisonous. This is good to know because as soon as I took the photo I was going to have a snack. Hee hee! Actually, it is always fun walking with him because he knows many of the edible plants in our region is constantly giving me things to nibble on. 

 The bokeh on this lens is nice. I shot this in Aperture-priority mode, 100 ISO, f7.1. I often shoot in Aperture-priority. This camera has 3 settings on the main dial where you can program in common set-ups. I haven't done this yet, but I will have one for closeups, one for landscapes, and one for portraits (or maybe fast moving kids/dogs). 

So far I am very impressed. My favorite things so far:

1. Camera is so small and lightweight.
2. I can tap anywhere on the screen to autofocus exactly where I want. 
3. When I shoot manual I can see the actually changes live as I adjust the settings. This is amazing!

I plan on posting a real review after I spend more time with this baby. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Wowzers, that is a pricey camera! But you make good use of your photos and love photog, so the price is right! The last time I got into those was many years ago and I had a top of the line Panasonic (which isn't even a contender anymore but back then it was very good). SO, I do know that all 3 things on your Like list so far are fabulous tech developments since I used to fool around. Take pics of the moon, please. That was always to me a huge advantage of having a good camera. xoxo

    1. Yes, it was pricey for sure, but a great price for such a great camera. Had to save up for it 12 years. Hee hee! I would love to take a photo of stars/moon, will give that a try once I get used to the camera.

  2. I too love my Canon RP, so much lighter than my Canon 7D with my favourite lenses. I bought the 24 to 240 lens plus a converter so I can still use my old lenses if needed, however, I rarely change the lens as it is sharp from end to end.

    1. That is so good to hear Dannisa! I am still a little overwhelmed with all of the settings. I need to watch more youtube videos to make sure I am using it to its full extent. R


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