Monday, February 4

{CoffeeShop Family Flying Circus} Chapter 14: Catalina Island Venture Video!

Video Link Also Embedded Below!

March of 2016 our family purchased a little 1970's 4-seater Piper and we have had many fun flying adventures.  Interested in reading more of the {CoffeeShop Family Flying Circus Adventures}? PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3,  Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12, , Chapter 13Entire Series (newest posts first).

I just realized I haven't posted a {CoffeeShop Family Flying Circus} chapter in forever. Yes, we are still flying in our little Piper and having a blast, but I haven't taken the time to really document some of our newest adventures. So here we go!!!

(Galveston Island, Texas)

If you have been following along, you will know that my optometrist-private pilot husband Paul has really gotten into making flying videos. I don't know when he finds the time to do this (actually I do, late at night), but he really has a blast putting them together. And he is surprisingly creative!

(Houston, Texas)

You can see all of his flying videos on YouTube on the Texas Gooney Bird Channel. Please subscribe and leave a comment, it will make his day!

In November Paul went to California for a business trip while the rest of us were at home with the flu. He could have gone to Disneyland or the beach, but he decided he was going for an adventure of a lifetime and fly to Catalina Island Airport in the Sky. This island is one of the world's most unique airports perched 1,602 feet above the Pacific Ocean. The 3,250-foot runway was built in the early 1940s by leveling two mountaintops and filling the remaining valley with more than 200,000 truckloads of rock. Incredible!

He rented a plane and went with an instructor but did most of the flying himself. He did not land or take off on the island as the airport runway was in horrible condition and starts and ends on a cliff, similar to a long aircraft carrier. Watch the video below, it is CRAZY!

I hope you enjoy this video it as much as our family did. Paul is hilarious and this video has exciting flying and sightseeing with the best host and pilot ever!!! And don't forget to "like" his video and subscribe to the Texas Gooney Bird channel. He doesn't make any money off his videos, but he loves the attention. ;-)

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  1. It was funny seeing things I've only ever seen on TV or in still pics. love the humour interspersed. Of course, the one thing I couldn't get out of my head is that every time I saw the propellers, I swore Freddy Krugar's glove was on the front of the plane. ;)

    Sounds like Paul had quite the adventure!


    1. My husband is a nut, but so much fun! And now I need to rewatch this video and see if I see Freddy's glove too. That is hilarious!


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