Friday, June 29

{Friday Photo Bliss}: Long Summer Daze

On Fridays I like to post snapshots I took during the week that make me happy.

We have incredibly hot and humid summers here. The boys are really into baseball thanks to the Astros winning the World Series last year so they spend a lot of time in the front yard playing ball. They also love water ballon fights. However, they can't spend all day outside and I don't like them glued to screens watching movies/playing video games for hours when they are inside.

I am blessed and they both love to read, but they also enjoy projects. I finally splurged and purchased a small card table and white backboard so they could set up a "permanent" Lego stop-motion setup. They usually make their stop-motion Minecraft and Lego movies on the ground which means more mess I have to jump over when I go into their rooms. All moms know how pleasant it feels to step on those darn Legos...

Once they make some good (according to Imp) movies I will share them with you guys!

They also love a good contest. I told them they both had to make a Lego basketball hoop and I would judge them and pick the best. Boys love to compete, right? Actually, Duke is very very very competitive and Imp really doesn't care about winning (in most cases). I think this is a defense mechanism for Imp since Duke is very good in games, especially strategy ones, and almost always beats everyone.

Imp's hoop is on the left. It took him five minutes to put this together. It is simple and adequate.

Luke's hoop is on the right and it took him fifteen minutes but it was a very creative use of tiny Lego joysticks as a net, so he won the contest. 

Imp wasn't surprised.

I am working on creating a simple homemade soap (follow my adventures in these posts) using only inexpensive ingredients you can buy from Walmart/grocery stores and I found a winner! I will post the recipe in a few days. This one contains olive oil, coconut oil, lard, and castor oil and I colored it with honey! All natural and it is so conditioning and bubbly. 

I found this set of two small (affiliate link) silicon soap molds that make exactly one-pound loafs of soap which can be cut into 5-6 perfect size pieces. This size loaf pan is perfect when you want to make small test batches or have too much soap on hand already because you have already gifted your friends and relatives so much soap you worry they think you are trying to tell them something. 

I love roasted chicken (this is the recipe I use). I made some amazing grain-free tortillas that taste exactly like flour ones (affiliate link) using this a recipe in this amazing book. I also made tahini sauce and added feta cheese to make authentic Greek-Mexican tacos. ;-) Yummy!

It is hot but we still go visit the parks. Duke is not much into playing on the swings and slides anymore when it is so hot, but Imp loves it and always makes new friends.

Of course I am all about hiking/walking even when the heat index is over 100. Once you get sweaty you just get used to it.

Paul fortunately will go hiking with us since he is really enjoys working out and staying in shape. The "primal" lifestyle has been good for our family.

And if your father is an optometrist you get (are forced) to try on contact lenses. Paul had to put them in Duke's and my eyes, but Imp just plopped one right in. That kid is fearless!

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Sounds like another interested week in your household. Love the little Lego basketball hoops. Have a great week ahead Rita!


    1. We don't live boring lives, that is for sure! You have a great week too!


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