On Fridays I like to post snapshots I have taken during the week that make me happy.
My entire family has been recovering from the flu, so we haven't been getting out much. But this week we finally felt well enough to go exploring outside. Thank goodness for that because I was going stir-crazy staring at the four walls of our (messy-because-we-have-been-sick) house. I needed some sun and Vitamin N (Nature) to cheer me up!
A small creek borders our neighborhood and we decided to see how far we could walk down it before coming to a road. Winter is a great time to hike back here since the tall weeds are dead and the snakes and dangerous bugs are frozen. It was pretty easy walking because there was a deer trail the entire length of our walk.
I love getting out here. Our area is exploding with growth and everywhere we look they are chopping down forests for subdivisions or commercial businesses. However, this creek floods so they can't develop the property just along it, so it is a permanent narrow but long nature preserve.
One of the first things we noticed was beaver sticks! This creek has quite the population of beavers and we found downed trees and sticks with no bark (beaver food) all along our hike.
Before I moved here and explored this creek I didn't even realize Texas had beavers!
We found lots of beaver and deer tracks by the creek.
And what we think was a small beaver den. Or maybe just a pile of leaves and sticks. :-)
The next day we went to one of our favorite local parks and the boys did some tree climbing.
Talk about a perfect day!
This is a view I can enjoy. Next week we are going fishing here, they stock this pond with rainbow trout.
But first we decided to go fishing at Spring Creek Park.
I was the only one that caught anything. I told the boys we could have a single fish stick for dinner from this tiny catfish, but we decided to throw it back. ;-)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
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Happy to hear that you were all feeling well enough to get back to your routines of exploring the area you live in. I hope that you continue to feel better as each day passes. Enjoy your weekend!
It is great to be feeling better Lisa, and thank you!!! I hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful week.