Friday, December 8

Coffeeshop "Christmas Tree" 16x20 Storyboard!

We actually had snow last night! That is a huge deal in south Texas. Our last real snow was in the 70's when I was a child. I took some photos this morning on my phone, but when we were walking outside it got cold and died and won't charge back up. Lately my 6s iPhone has been so buggy.  I think every time Apple has an IOS update they make sure that older phones get slower and have major issues so that you feel that you need to buy a new one. An Apple conspiracy??? ;-)

Of course I haven't been backing it up lately (too cheap to pay for iCloud), but I have most of my images except the ones I took this morning of the boys in the snow. I think Paul copied a few in case I can't get them off my phone. Hopefully he did and I can post them this weekend.

The worst part of this is we have to go to the Apple store during the Christmas rush to try to get my phone fixed. NOOOOOOOO! I have half a mind to buy a nice tiny digital camera and a stand-alone GPS for my car and just get a flip phone. It would be cheaper than getting a new iPhone and it would keep me from obsessively checking my phone all day.

UPDATE: After charging for over an hour my phone is working. I am backing up everything right now!

I have a new Christmas tree storyboard to share with you today. This one has an optional gold snowflake background, and you can change all of the colors to taste. This storyboard is a layered psd file so you can add your images using clipping masks (tutorial and free action).

You can even add some digital paper to the background! These storyboards can be printed or posted on the web.

A special thanks to Jill Wellington (Etsy ShopFacebook, Blog, YouTube Videos, Pixabay) for allowing me to use her images in my example storyboard above.

Download the CoffeeShop "Christmas Tree" 16x20 Storyboard.

 Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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  1. Hi Rita, Thanks for the great Blog and all the freebies! I completely agree with you on the Apple conspiracy :-). One thing I recommend is putting google photos app on your phone. It will auto backup all your photos to the cloud for free.

    1. You are so welcome Cara! And I will look into that. I just realized I am saving everything but my photos on the apple cloud, so I can at least recover that stuff. I back all of my photos up on my computer so I don't need them on my phone anymore. They take up too much space!

  2. Good luck with your phone situation. We just inherited an old I Phone (I can't remember if it is a 5 or a 6) so it will be interesting to see what happens. Though we'll only be using it for emergencies so hopefully it won't be too much of a problem.

    Thanks for the Storyboard. That is a great tree mask.

    Oh and I wish I could send you snow on a regular basis! Our ground is covered in few inches at the moment.


    1. You are so welcome Lisa! And we are supposed to get snow and ice for Christmas, which would be unheard of. Last Christmas it was in the 80's! Stay safe and warm.

  3. Rita, these photo frames are adorable! Thanks so much! My Houston family was posting photos of your snow. Did your boys LOVE seeing and playing in the snow?

    1. They did Jill!!! That was the first time they really got to play in snow. And we might be getting more around Christmas, but more likely it will be icy rain. Which isn't so fun... ;-)


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